Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us here about the recent Patriot Front rally in D.C., with conservatives lying to cover up for these cretins...and I didn’t know anything about this Thomas Rousseau guttersnipe until this clip, but yeah, it looks like the crazy switch flicked on for this life form awhile back...he’ll get what’s coming to him I’m sure (more here)...

...and turning to media stuff, Jeff Wiggins of Rebel HQ presents the real Kaitlan Collins as far as I’m concerned in light of that awful “town hall”...I linked to this last Thursday, but again, this shows us how the media game is rigged in favor of the wingnuts (and Peter Baker of “the old gray lady” is pretty much a GOP apologist as far as I’m concerned, and Anderson Cooper should wash down his ladle full of condescension with a steaming hot glass of STFU...don’t get the “my architect know Japanese” thing at the end)...

...and when it comes to Rupert The Pirate's trash network, a guest recently said we should have a plan ”to kill everyone we meet”...how charming (John and Francesca explain...and it’s also hard to argue with the statement that the most “religious” states have the most gun violence, though I wish I could)...

...and speaking of violence, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about the nut who (allegedly) attacked the staffers of Dem U.S. House Rep Gerry Connolly with a metal baseball bat (here)...yes, this is a developing story and there’s a lot we don’t know yet, but we’ll see, and hopefully the 2 workers will be OK...

...and Beau tells us that – ooopsie! – the “star witness” in the alleged Biden crime hearing or whatever has gone missing, as Repug U.S. House Rep James Comer informs us...waaay too damn funny (and yeah, oversight is included as part of the legislative branch, so I think doing some “closed door” investigation of family members of people in the federal government from all 3 branches makes sense...maybe 2 Dems, 2 Repugs and someone from the IRS and/or DOJ as Beau says at the end...more here)...

...and when it comes to violence, here is an example of a brave Afghan man who made the tortuous journey with his family to this country through Mexico to our border, as the New York Times tells us – I wish there was a way he and his family could be brought into this country and he could testify to those Repug meatheads mainly in the U.S. House about this...it wouldn’t affect the politicians I guess, but maybe it would “move the needle” a bit on public opinion in this country...yeah, I know – I can dream I suppose...

...and here is some actual GOOD news...Kyle Kulinski tells us that medical debt (which is brutal in this country) is being erased for about 73,000 residents in Cook County (including Chicago) in Illinois...anybody who believes that government is incapable of doing anything should pay heed (as opposed to our allegedly glorious private sector, at least when it comes to stuff like this..well, maybe we're talking about a partnership here...and hey Kyle, how do you forget this guy?)...

...and this isn’t exactly my state of mind I wish to emphasize, but I still thought it was a neat newer tune, so here it is.

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