Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday Stuff

David Doel tells us here that “George Santos,” or whoever the hell he REALLY is, is now looking at a 13-count indictment, including charges of wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making materially false statements to the House of Representatives…and it’s almost too surreal to point out that the “leadership” in that chamber passed a bill today that would defund efforts to crack down on unemployment fraud, with Bri-Fi voting Yes of course, as noted here, repealing fraud prevention funds included in the American Rescue Plan (to do something about that, click here)…

…and Beau gives us his verdict on that beyond-ridiculous “clown hall” with Mango Mussolini and his single-digit-IQ unwashed followers in attendance – I think this sums up my sentiments on it pretty well (oh, and before we decide to give any credit at all to U.S. Senate Repug Todd Young of Indiana for walking away from Our Ochre Abomination as noted here, let’s take a minute to consider what he is really saying…not, “I’m having nothing whatsoever to do with this thoroughly amoral monster who incited an insurrection against the peaceful transfer of power in our government and would do so again in a heartbeat were he to get the chance.”…noooo – Young is supposedly washing his hands of Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Former *President only because he’s a “loser.”)
Also (and I don’t mean this towards Beau), but PLEASE spare me all of the surprise that Combover Caligula still inspires such adulation among these biped life forms. Like you also I’m sure, I interact in some capacity with these people in my life, though I try to minimize it as much as I can. And it’s quite possible that these individuals will NEVER, EVER LEARN, so can we please stop wishing on rainbows, sunshine and lollipops that somehow they will realize A MODICUM OF COMMON SENSE ON THIS SUBJECT??!!

Update: Oh, but Kaitlan Collins is such an impeccable journalist, isn't she...looks like every angle of this ridiculous wingnut freak show was covered (here - and by the way, the whole "George Soros boogeyman" BS is the fault primarily of this guy).

Update 5/12/23: Another post mortem is here (and this and this are pretty damn disgusting too).

Update 5/13/23: I would call this a rather twisted definition of the word "fun."

…and to put a bit of an exclamation point on the sheer, apocalyptic idiocy of way too many of our fellow citizens, Farron Cousins tells us that “the land of the yellow rose” is going to make it easier to get guns in the wake of the recent mass slaughter in Allen, Texas…

Update: And when it comes to awful court cases involving guns, I give you this, based on an utterly terrible ruling by the SCOTUS of Hangin' Judge JR authored by Almost Silent Clarence word on whether or not he first had the ruling vetted by Harlan Crow.

…and gee, should we really be surprised that this human mistake who wrought all of this carnage with a weapon of death was thoroughly radicalized in the wingnut fever swamps, as John and Aida Rodriguez tell us?...

…and when it comes to indoctrinating the crazies, let’s not forget the role of the recently-deposed-from-his-media-perch Swanson TV Dinner Heir, with “Tuckums” acting like he wants to go after Fix Noise – mainly, it looks like he wants to get out of his “non-compete” with The Roger Ailes BS Factory – pass the popcorn (and I honestly don’t know what would happen if he ran for elected office either, but I imagine that he’d get enough of a swath of voters to make things interesting...not happy to point that out, but I think that’s the reality…I’ll be honest; some of Ana and Cenk’s recent “takes” have been a little tiresome lately IMO, but I think they get it right here)...

…and on the subject of Carlson, it looks like he’s getting support from Brett Favre in Mississippi, as Jesse Dollemore tells us (didn’t know Favre was accused of some kind of sexual assault, I have to admit, but of course I knew about the cruel nonsense with pilfering funds for his daughter’s volleyball stadium)...

...and this More Perfect Union video tells us about the food delivery apps (Grub Hub, Uber Eats) trying to kill gig economy delivery workers’ efforts in New York City for a $25 minimum wage – probably sounds like a lot until you realize the cost of doing just about anything in The Big Apple, particularly when it comes to housing and paying for health insurance, if you can afford it (and if you think I trust goofball Mayor Eric Adams or Chuck Schumer, I have a bridge to one of the five boroughs to sell to you)...

…and we’ve had a nice patch of spring weather in these parts, so that’s kind of putting me in the mood for this tune.

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