Monday, May 29, 2023

Monday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen and Glenn Kirschner give us the latest developments on Combover Caligula and the classified documents mess at Mar-a-Lago, with strong evidence pointing to the possibility that there was a willful effort to conceal those docs form the FBI...just throw this criminal’s ass in jail already!...

Update 5/31/23: I'm going to tie a load on big time on the day that this criminal's ass is finally in stir (here).

...and Beau gives us his take on what appears to be a deal to raise the debt ceiling, which – again – is more ridiculous Washington kabuki for the benefit of our political/media/industrial complex...a few ways that all of these idiotic theatrics could have been avoided...I share Beau’s concerns about SNAP and Medicaid I believe, though as Beau says, we’ll have to wait and find out about the details...and yeah, they absolutely wanted $$ taken out of the IRS budget to let their donors get out of paying taxes; I guess that was the metaphorical hill the Repugs would die on in this watch “15 Votes for Speaker” McCarthy try to get those MAGA lunatics in line to pass it...

Update: More here.

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that the “party of Lincoln” in the House, now that they’ve got this preliminary debt ceiling deal worked out, is going to try and railroad another tax cut bill, to the tune of about $3.5 trillion, providing still more evidence that they don’t give a damn about the debt and just want to reward their donors and stick it to everyone else...I was wondering how long it would take for one of these two to blame Dems somehow, and Ana does that at about 9:20...yes, the Dems should be yelling about this; let’s see what happens, OK?...and Cenk is also wrong not to give Obama credit for cutting taxes, and yes, #44 could have done a better job of getting the word out on that, I know (more here) – still not happy with Cenk over that Article V business, to be honest...

...and I honestly didn’t know that Ed Ames was still alive, though he just passed; well, he made it to 95, God bless him (a fine singer and entertainer, though this may be what he’ll be remembered for more than anything else...after Carson makes the “Jewish” remark, he says, “Welcome to Frontier Briss.”...probably couldn’t get away with this stuff now)...

...and I thought this was a well-done Lincoln Project video with today’s holiday in mind...

...and I think this is an apropos tune for today’s observance; it’s more of a throwback to the accursed Bushco/Iraq War years when they wouldn’t photograph the coffins of our dead service members returning from that wretched conflict, but I think the tune is also a cautionary tale in the awful event that some other wannabe strongman tries to do the same thing in the future.

Update: And speaking of the failed reign of Commander Codpiece, I give you this (and apologies for failing to note the 20th anniversary of this in a similar vein).

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