Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but I thought this was an apropos little clip about 15-vote House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his antics with manufacturing a debt ceiling crisis – once more, this NEVER happens when a Repug is in the White House, but only when there’s a Dem and the “loyal opposition” is in charge of the U.S. House...

...and I know this related clip from Ali Velshi is about three months old, but I don’t think a lot has substantively changed on this issue since then of course; Velshi gets into the “nitty gritty” of how bad a default by this country would be, and he draws a parallel to this and what happened under President Obama about 12 years ago...

...next, David Doel discusses Dem U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s health issues (I don’t think Ro Khanna should be on Fix Noise – and leave it to this hairdo to try and attack Fetterman in the process even though he isn’t part of this discussion; I wish Khanna had found a way to mention that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao has been away also, as Kirsten Gillibrand did – but Khanna is right when it comes to Feinstein...I think we all know people who’ve dealt with friends or family members in declining mental health, and I don’t say this to “pile on,” but Feinstein needs to step down and get the help and support she needs...and I still have an axe to grind with Gillibrand over Al Franken, so no, I definitely don’t take her seriously...in that Klobuchar clip, what was more telling to me, aside from the spat with Feinstein, were the empty seats on the Repug side of the conference table; anyone missing from that hearing should have a damn good explanation for it...and of course, leave it to #MoscowMitch to try and exploit a situation against Democrats any way he can as noted here and here)...

...and John, Cenk and Jordan Uhl of TYT bring us the story of some wingnut in Nebraska, State Sen. Steve Edrman, who basically echoes the “great replacement theory” from Tuckums on abortion, pretty much saying that those who were aborted could have been working in jobs, or something (as opposed to those nasty foreigners who got the jobs instead...what a train wreck of an alleged human being this guy Erdman is...he wants a six-week abortion ban like Flori-DUUUH! of course...makes me recall “human capital stock” Kevin Hassett...”strip the state for parts” indeed...I guess the emerging new line from the GQP is that abortion is bad because it deprives workers for the corporate machine, which is a variation of what the equally-useless Tim Scott also said recently – and no, I don’t believe that that will be a winning strategy either)...

...heading south, David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about a cop in Pensacola, Flori-DUUH! who pulled over an African American counselor for the apparently criminal offense of TRYING TO DO HIS DAMN JOB! And yes, I know that the statute on that state of allegedly “fleeing” police is ridiculously strict, but that doesn’t in any way justify the actions of this cop, and good for this counselor to sue the police, all of which happened in 2020...

...and continuing with cataloging Republican stupidity (and I acknowledge that I end up doing an awful lot of that around here), South Dakota Repug guv Kristi (“Unsafe At Any Speed”) Noem recently bragged about giving her two-year-old daughter a hunting rifle...oh, but the NRA isn’t a cult...just keep telling yourself that (more here)...

...and I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m doing it again now; this Now This clip discusses the case of Daniel Perry, for whom Texas Governor Greg (“All Hat No Cattle”) Abbott has pledged a pardon when Perry is sentenced for killing a Black Lives Matter protestor (more here and here, including a defense of Perry from “Killer Kyle”...sorry if it's hard to read the text in this video; might be better off watching the clip from YouTube)...

...and RIP Ahmad Jamal.

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