Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that (and hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen!) voters are already tired of these alleged investigations by U.S. House Republicans, especially with the debt ceiling nonsense going on that the “party of Lincoln” ALWAYS stages when that party runs Congress and a Dem is in the White House (oh, and yeah, Gym Jordan kind of slid his supposed report from his “weaponizing government” committee under the door last Friday, apparently hoping no one would notice).

(Oh, and speaking of U.S. House Repugs, I tried twice to watch that abortion of an interview Lesley Stahl of the ”third eye” network conducted with Marjorie Trailer Park Greene, and I just couldn’t do it...nothing whatsoever against David Doel who did the analysis, but this is from the network where Edward R. Murrow once stood up to Joe McCarthy and his “See It Now” program was just about run off the air for it. I just can’t take a second of listening to that lying lunatic, no matter how much Stahl tried to normalize her.)...

...and John and Jayar bring us another lesson in white fragility in Flori-DUUUH!; apparently this goofball parent named Emily Conklin is trying to get the film “Ruby Bridges” banned because she doesn’t think it’s appropriate for second-grade students...the “sunshine state” is really pushing Texas hard to be “the land that time forgot” among all of the “great 48,” and on this day of all days (more here)...

...and Beau tells us that things are looking bad for the Foxies in that lawsuit with Dominion; the trial may start on 4/17, though there are likely to be delays as Beau points out...”there needs to be some baseline of reality” indeed (and speaking of legal matters, I know a certain 45th president will be arraigned probably this afternoon, but I’m going to try to stay away from the hoopla since I know the Gropenfuhrer is all about the spectacle and pretty much nothing else unless it lines his pockets somehow...great call on Beau's T-shirt BTW)...

...and I don’t know how many people have noticed that our former ol’ pal “Bibi” is trying to turn Israel into a dictatorship (of course, it appears to be that already to the Palestinians), but the people of that country have noticed for sure, as this Guardian clip shows (more here)...

...and in addition to the very important judicial contest in Wisconsin today (click here to help Judge Janet), there is also a mayoral election in Chicago, and this More Perfect Union clip gives us more on Paul Vallas, who might as well be a Republican...to help Brandon Johnson, click here...

...and my “this day of all days” remark in the Flori-DUUUH! clip had to do with this – hard to believe that it’s been 55 years.

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