Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that this Texas Repug state senator named Drew Springer wants to make it illegal to file three or more environmental complaints about energy companies (or ANY company, it sounds like) in that state that don’t result in an enforcement action (and yeah, good luck with this ISN’T a violation of the First Amendment is something I cannot imagine...and in case anyone thinks I’m deliberately ignoring blue-state Repug idiocy, allow me to present this)...

...and this More Perfect Union video tells us that Arizona is “ground zero” in the war on public schools (not sure why they used that green caption text, but that’s a minor criticism, along with that “Turning Point Academy” has to do with $$ taken from funding for public schools to go to these private charter schools instead, with a typical unholy alliance between the Walton family in Arkansas and the DeVos family in Michigan, as we learn from the clip...I didn’t know about the ways that people like the DeVos and Walton families can “make bank” at the expense of educating our kids, to say nothing of that nematode Charlie Kirk, but as nauseating as it is, I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised)...

...and speaking of The Grand Canyon State, it looks like “Curtsy Kyrsten” is livin’ large all right, to the tune of 100K (at least) on that sweet, sweet donor cash (and to think, there were individuals out there getting big mad over people who once chased her into a bathroom stall – there’s a word in the English language called P-E-R-S-P-E-C-T-I-V-E! Maybe the people defending Sinema – maybe one or two – should bother to look it up...John and Brett Erlich tell us more)...

...and here’s a’s “Banana Republican” Bri-Fi poking his head out of his hidey hole long enough to misuse the term “Democrat” (which is a noun, not a f*king adjective, you assclown) and yammer about the debt ceiling...of course, like everyone else in the “Trump party,” he voted for the Gropenfuhrer’s utterly ruinous tax cut in December 2017 and had not a word to say about “THE DEBT! THE DEBT!” when he did that, but of course now that we have a Democrat-IC president, he pretends to be fiscally prudent (to do something about that, click here...and don’t get me started on Josh Gottheimer)...

Update 4/26/23: Hey, whaddaya know? It looks like Harlan (I Bought Clarence Thomas’s House For Six Figures) Crow gave donations to Bri-Fi’s beloved “No Labels,” as noted here.

Care to comment, Bri? I didn’t think so.

..and Jesse Dollemore informs us that Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin has sent a letter to SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts about Almost Silent Clarence Thomas’s antics and Roberts appearing before Durbin’s committee (and it seems like, based on this, Hangin’ Judge JR is going to blow off Durbin once again)...

...and heading back below that Mason-Dixon line, as long as this state is going to pull nonsense like this, I’m going to keep including this tune.

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