Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

(A bit of housekeeping...I may be cutting back on posting about news/political stuff for a bit; I don’t completely know yet. I’ll keep you informed as best I can.)

I thought this was a typically spot-on commentary from Beau about the highest paying jobs when getting out of college (engineering – understandable IMO) and lowest paying (education – ummm, I agree with Beau; we have a problem here...”we do not value the thing we need the most” indeed)...

...and speaking of college, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about Bernie Sanders educating Bill Maher in the matter of student debt...the only reason I’ve even acknowledging that lickspittle Maher at all (who, let’s not forget, achieved his fame and popularity with a hell of a lot of support from people with the ideological bent that he now chooses to piss all over) is because of how Sanders brings him around on the issue...and it turns out that the poll Maher cites was referenced by NBC News, but they didn’t conduct it, and the poll was basically conducted by an AI? Heckuva job...

...and sticking with education, this More Perfect Union video tells us about the billionaires funding the SCOTUS cases/attacks on Biden’s student debt relief, in particular the laughably misnamed “Job Creators Network” bankrolled by Bernie Marcus, The Mercers, Charles Koch & Philip Anschultz, the same cretins who want us stuck in dead-end jobs with lousy pay forever until we drop...

...and continuing with the theme of trying to improve your mind through diverse perspectives, John and Sabrina Rios of The Damage Report give us the latest polling on book bans – the numbers should be 100 percent opposed across the board of course, but we are where we are...and yeah, it figures that a majority of Repugs are on board, but not a majority of Dems and independents, thankfully...

...and I realize it’s “water wet, sky blue” stuff to point out what an utter joke of a supposed TV news network Fix Noise is, but Sam and Emma of TMR let us know about Howie Kurtz, the alleged media critic, commenting on how the Roger Ailes BS Factory chose to muzzle him over the revelations about his employer from the Dominion lawsuit; pretty solid analysis in particular from Sam IMO...

...and it looks like PA’s former U.S. Senatorial mistake ended up landing comfortably, as Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us, with “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey joining the board of a private equity firm (OF COOURRRSSE!)...and yes, it definitely deserves a dishonorable mention that Toomey, along with “Curtsy Kyrsten” of course, helped to scuttle legislation to close the carried interest loophole...

...and when it comes to Toomey’s replacement, Retired U.S. Army Major Richard Ojeda tells us about one of #45 fail sons name calling John Fetterman, who continues his courageous recovery from a stroke and depression (Fetterman I mean of course) me, it’s absolutely ridiculous to see the comparative media attention given to these lower life forms congregating at CPAC, but kudos to Ojeda for giving Ochre Abomination Jr. the upbraiding called for here...

...and by the way, happy International Women's Day.

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