Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about a Tallahassee charter school principal who was forced to resign after a parent said that Michelangelo’s David was “pornographic” (yep, it’s in Flori-DUUH! – more here)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about the U.S. Senate chaplain giving an invocation to FREAKING DO SOMETHING! about guns in this country, along with the viral comment from that assclown Tim Burchett saying “my daddy served in the Pacific in WWII, and he said if somebody wants to kill you, they will”...well, MY father served in Europe during WWII, and were he still with me, I can just about tell you right now that he would say you’re full of crap (and as actor John Leguizamo said recently, how bad a message is it that you’re comparing a classroom to a war zone?)...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about Mississippi rural hospitals closing because they won’t accept Medicaid funding, which is basically free money from the federal government (well, 90 percent anyway)...this policy is hurting rural hospitals in other states too...nice to see the fire from the two of them aimed where it belongs instead of at each other, particularly true in Ana’s case...but of course Mississippi, with its utterly rotten quality of life, has no problem finding the dough for Brett Favre’s daughter’s volleyball court as noted here...and based on this, that state's halfwit Repug guv Tate Reeves might as well have a Koch Industries logo stamped on his forehead)...

Update 4/5/23: Sounds like Reeves needs help trying to read a calendar (here).

...and in response to this story about Idaho, I present this from Meidas Touch, which I suppose was meant to depict some dystopian future which, tragically, has already arrived...

...and to be honest, I really didn’t have a “dog in the fight” when it comes to the Chicago mayoral election, but after seeing this, I’m officially supporting Brandon Johnson (link to web site is here...and yeah, one of Paul Vallas’s stops was Philly where he ran the school district from ’02 to ‘07...I think he made some cosmetic reforms without making structural ones, as noted here...not sure what else was possible, but I think that needs to be pointed out)...

...and RIP Bobbi Ercoline, who, as the Times notes here, gave one of the most iconic hugs of all time.

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