Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday Stuff

John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about the latest right-wing grifter with too much time and/or money on his hands, and that would be Vivek Ramaswamy...and you guessed it; he’s running for preznit (three guesses from which party, and the first two don’t count)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen, in collaboration with More Perfect Union, tell us why the Wisconsin Supreme Court election is so important and why Repug wingnut Dan Kelly needs to be defeated (to help Dem Janet Protasiewicz, click here)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about FLA guv Ron #DeathSantis trying to get a nutty “free speech” bill passed, with all of the utterly horrible unintended consequences you can imagine; in part, the bill makes it easier to sue journalists and empower bigots (HB 991)...

...which definitely points to the larger issue of the “party of Lincoln” not giving a fig about democracy in any way...Lawrence O’Donnell gives us a reminder of how Dem Mike Mansfield of Montana served in the U.S. Senate as a moderating influence for his time, which leads into a discussion of Jon Tester deciding to run for another term, and I agree with O’Donnell that the Dems pretty much breathed a sigh of relief on that one...

...and staying out west, Farron Cousins tells us about two idiot Repugs in Idaho (State Senator Tammy Nichols and State Rep Judy Boyle) who want to make it illegal to administer an mRNA vaccine, which would include “the jab” for ‘Rona of course (more here)...

...and here’s an NSFW/H tune that goes out to a bunch of people in this post...I’m sure you can guess who they are.

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