Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that Repug U.S. House Rep Matt Gaetz of FLA wants to abolish the VA and privatize it of course, with Cousins showing what I believe is a commendable level of outrage aimed at ex-military in his district who will vote for Gaetz anyway because he has “the magic R” after his last name...I still think it stinks to high heaven that those charges against Gaetz of sex trafficking with a minor seemed to disappear somehow, but again, we’re talking about Flori-DUUH!, so anything can happen I guess...

...and Jayar and Jessica Burbank discuss Sen. Foghorn Leghorn’s “crack head” ad...and again, Kennedy opposed $350 billion in police funding, so his ridiculous ad is even MORE hypocritical...I wish Dem Luke Mixon had sourced that claim a little better, though I’m sure he’s right – even though we need to keep fighting, I have to be honest about the chances of Kennedy actually losing since he checks all the boxes, you might say, for elderly white conservative Trumper wingnuts in Louisiana (and when it comes to Sen. Cornpone and RoJo, let's not forget this)...

...and speaking of Wisconsin’s U.S. Senatorial mistake, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about RoJo squirming in response to questions from a local reporter about the text that either he or his chief of staff forwarded to Mike Pence, apparently, and presumably about seating fake electors, despite Johnson’s claims of innocence (NSFW/H)...

...and turning to the U.S. Senate race in our beloved commonwealth of PA, David Doel tells us about another attack ad from John Fetterman against Oz vis-a-vis The Simpsons and Dr. Nick, including the dog stuff with Oz, as well as torture of other animals (Oz is indeed a monster – more here...and to help Fetterman, click here)...

...and heading even further to the northeast, Cenk and Ana tell us about Tina Forte, running against AOC for the latter’s NY-14 U.S. House seat...and yeah, I guess, to know crime, you need to be a criminal yourself (meaning Forte of course...and I wish we would all keep hammering home the fact that THE DEMS SUPPORTED POLICE FUNDING THROUGH THE COVID RELIEF BILL, WHICH NO REPUG VOTED FOR!!! - I have a feeling that that's where the claim against Kennedy came from, as noted earlier, but I'm not positive at the moment)...

...and Jesse Dollemore gives us his take on the Herschel Walker stuff...and yeah, paying for abortions for at least one of these women is bad enough, but the hypocrisy is what’s particularly hard to take here from someone representing the party of “family values” (and as repugnant as Dana Loesch is, in a weird way, I have to give her credit for the honesty behind this utterly “mask off” remark)...

...and I know it’s taken a little while for me to get around to this great ad for Val Demings from Don Winslow (she’s running for the U.S. Senate against Marco Rubio in Florida), but I definitely didn’t want to let it slip through the proverbial cracks (to help Demings, click here)...

..and speaking of courageous women, RIP Loretta Lynn, a true American icon.

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