Sunday, October 09, 2022

Sunday Stuff

Trevor Noah of The Daily Show gives us his take on the Herschel Walker stuff (hard to keep track of all of his girlfriends/abortions at this point, and what a defense from Baby Newton Leroy...I believe that we’re all going to have to make an accounting for ourselves one day, including yours truly, and that counts for “deep commitment to Christ” Newt also...who, let’s not forget, divorced two of his wives, one of whom was ill with uterine cancer at the time as noted here)...

...and going from the ridiculous to the even more ridiculous, I give you this ad for Repug Michigan gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon...I’m not sure I’ve come across a more extreme version of elderly white boomer entitlement than much nonsense to clap back against, but here is one observation; yes, Dem Governor Gretchen Whitmer kept the kids out of school BECAUSE NOBODY WANTED THEM TO FREAKING DIE FROM THE COVID PANDEMIC WHEN A VACCINE WASN’T READY FOR THEM YET!!! (and to help Whitmer, click here)...

...and yeah, I guess I’ll take a bit of comic relief however I can get it (to do something about Boebert, click here, and to do something about Marjorie Traitor Greene, click here)...

...and David Doel tells us that the wingnuts are upset that Velma of “Scooby Doo” is apparently queer...and you mean you never caught onto this until now? Rut-row (and we’re talking about a goddamn cartoon, people...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I’m going to flip the order a bit of how I usually do posts on this day and note that John Lennon would have been 82...

...and happy birthday also to Jackson Browne.

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