Monday, October 31, 2022

Monday Stuff

Sam and Emma take a call from an individual describing what happened when the wingnuts lost it over a gay New York middle school teacher who displayed a pride flag...continually amazing to me that these life forms can do this stuff and still pretend to be Christian somehow...

...and David Doel tells us that Fix Noise is blaming Biden for the Paul Pelosi attack; figures...and of course, Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino are there to spread their BS false equivalency all over the place...”Well, shots were fired near the home of Republican Lee Zeldin of New York (here), so OF COURSE both sides are guilty of the same type of political violence”...GMAFB!...

Update: More here.

...and when it comes to the ’22 campaign season (with about a week to go), Trae Crowder reminds us that Not Your Father’s Republican Party doesn’t have an answer for what to do about inflation, or an answer for much of anything really except to get their base worked up over “values” nonsense (NSFW/H)...

...and Cenk and Adrienne Lawrence of TYT present more evidence that Americans in red states are dying younger than in blue states (and this is all pre-COVID, so I can’t imagine how much worse it is now)...

...and the Dollemore Daily with Brittany Page brings us Fix Noise demonizing the homeless...and yeah, it’s apparently as low down as you can expect from this bunch...

...and turning for a minute to Vlad The Butcher and his war of choice in Ukraine, Beau tells us that Russia is constructing defense lines on its border...yeah, I get the whole “fog of war” thing, but even for someone like me who definitely isn’t a military expert, I don’t see how this can be a positive development for Putin and his dreams of empire...

...and turning briefly again to the elections, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that Former President Hopey Changey was on the campaign trail for Dem incumbent U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia and had some good push-back against Warnock’s Repug opponent Herschel Walker (this was even better for Mandela Barnes against Rojo – PREACH!...and by the way, this tells us about Wisconsin’s U.S. Senatorial mistake and the whole “high school litter box” idiocy...kudos to Obama for doing this, but I think it’s needed because, once again, the national Democratic Party is doing yet another piss-poor job of messaging and reminding people that the Repug Party is THE PARTY OF TREASON AND INSURRECTION AND DENYING WOMEN THE RIGHT TO THEIR OWN BODILY AUTONOMY! – I’ll put up some stuff reminding people of that probably tomorrow, for what it’s worth)...

Update: Yeah, I think this says it about Herschel Walker.

...and by the way, Happy Halloween.

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