Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us that Our Treasonous Tiny Handed Former Dictator is BIG MAD that #DeathSantis apparently stole his awful immigrant kidnapping idea, and of course leave it to #45 to add his particularly heinous twist to all of this of shipping actual violent criminals to blue states, and except for Cheney and Kinzinger, NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM IN HIS PARTY WILL SAY ANYTHING TO OPPOSE HIM!!! And by the way, all the best to Dollemore on his health issues...

...and this clip from The Lincoln Project tells us about Doug Mastriano and the connection between his campaign and the utterly awful and depraved Gab anti-Semitic web site; to help Josh Shapiro, the Dem running for PA governor, click here...

...and uh oh, it looks like Mr. Crudite himself, Mehmet (“CALL ME DOCTOR, DAMMIT!”) Oz went to Kensington to (allegedly) help drug addicts shoot up to film a campaign video...and yeah, I’d like to know how many of those people in that vehicle made it to drug rehab also...this is a serious problem that deserves a MUCH BETTER treatment than a drive-by photo-op...that crowd Oz spoke to later (“See? I actually went to Democrat cities! I’m not just a Hollywood celebrity!”) was about as “diverse” as a jar of mayonnaise...I think this segment goes off the rails a bit in the last minute over the George Floyd stuff to be honest, though the fundamental point about performative stuff from the “R” party (and the Dems to a lesser extent) is true, I have to admit (in response, to help John Fetterman, click here)...

...and here’s a backgrounder on Ashley Ehasz, the Dem running to unseat Brian Fitzpatrick as PA-01 U.S. House rep; to help the campaign, click here (and more on Bri-Fi is here)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us about more anti-abortion garbage in Georgia, West Virginia, Texas and Utah...and refusing to treat miscarriages? Looks like some of our states below that Mason-Dixon line are being run by some of the most enlightened minds of the 13th century...

...well, one way to try and fix that is to vote for Dems like Beto O’Rourke, running for Texas governor against the thoroughly despicable Greg Abbott – to help, click here (I keep waiting for elderly white conservative boomers to start loving their kids and embracing climate justice, economic reform and sane policies concerning women’s reproductive health more than they viscerally hate Democrats, and I’m sure I’ll keep waiting...clip is briefly NSFW/H, but for a good reason)...

Update: I saw on Twitter that the Houston Chronicle says that voters are breaking towards Abbott based on immigration and away from abortion; not taking issue with the paper, but this makes zero sense to me given that Abbott was responsible for this.

...and turning to entertainment, this week marked the passing of a guy who probably was the very last surviving male member of The Rat Pack, and that was longtime character actor Henry Silva – here he is in a truly great film that had trouble getting released for awhile because of the subject matter (re, an assassination)...

...and Silva made a living portraying villains, which brings to mind this tune (for me anyway, which is actually a cover of a Larry Williams song).

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