Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Apparently the wingnuts are trying to spin the classified documents story as some kind of FBI frameup, with Bob Cesca quite rightly calling out Monica Crowley here (from the people who LOVED the FBI when James Comey was running all the “BUT HER EMAILS” nonsense with HRC), but I think Beau’s great commentary here cuts right to the heart of the matter as usual (more here)...

...and Ana and Cenk tell us about the latest disgusting stunt from FLA guv Ron #DeathSantis, and that is to parade 20 people (some in their bottom to #DeathSantis and his pals) with criminal records who were basically entrapped into thinking they could vote; of course, this gives the “party of Lincoln” the opportunity to blame minority voters instead of the well-off Repugs in “The Villages” who (as noted in the clip) performed voter fraud FOR REAL...and Cenk is right that Charlie Crist should be running with this story until the proverbial cows come home, along with Val Demings, and I’ll be watching to see if this develops any further, but I have a feeling Cenk is right, sadly...aside from basic human decency, Democrats should be calling this out because it will indeed have a chilling effect on a voting constituency they will sorely need if they have any shot at all of winning in a state which is gradually becoming DeSantis’s little version of Viktor Orban’s Hungary, which is definitely by design - more here...

Update 9/1/22: More here.

...and heading west by a few degrees of longitude, Chris Hayes tells us that Jackson, Mississippi apparently doesn’t have running water now, a triumph of Repug “governance” and their assclown governor Tate Reeves (and it’s cold comfort I know that the Repug lawmakers who utterly and cravenly failed on this have to use the same port-o-potties as everyone else)...

...and Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins tell us that the “Kids for Cash” judges were recently ordered to pay $200 million I believe in restitution as noted amount of money is too high for these two criminals as far as I’m concerned (this was a huge story in our beloved commonwealth for reasons that should be obvious I know...the 2013 documentary got into this horrible, heart-breaking scandal – at least one of these kids committed suicide I believe)...

...and I recently put up a Damage Report clip of YouTuber Tim Pool’s attempt at singing and noted how ridiculous it was...that was actually amusing, but now Steven Crowder is back with some kind of a “Saving Private Ryan” alleged parody about wingnuts whose free speech is supposedly threatened or something (or Crowder being temporarily banned from YouTube for typical wingnut BS), and as someone whose father served in Europe in WWII, I can assure you that I most definitely do NOT find this funny – the entitlement of Crowder and his ilk is cowardly and sickening (Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us more)...

...and yesterday marked what would have been the 78th birthday of The Eternal Molly Ivins – I think what she and David Letterman are referring to in the beginning are the SCOTUS confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas (pretty sure this clip is from ’91-‘92...God knows that her incisive wit and literary expertise is still very much needed)...

...and on the subject of milestones, RIP former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev...yes, he had a mixed legacy in that, as nearly as I could determine, he never really renounced Communism, and his peace overtures were out of his country’s self-interest, but to be fair, you can say that every world leader acts out of self interest, and I think he should be regarded as a visionary for seeking to curb nuclear proliferation and for this, which hastened the breakup of the empire Putin, catastrophically, is trying to reassemble by brute force...

...and once more, on the subject of milestones, I should note that Princess Diana died 25 years ago today...I recently saw this great documentary on her on HBO On Demand; here is a tune for the occasion.

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