Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday Stuff

Hey, don’t look now, but The Bible was one of the 41 books banned in the Keller, Texas school district (as noted here, and as we find out about in this clip), to coincide with kids coming back to classrooms, where – God willing and NRA/Mitch McConnell permitting – they WON’T have to face an actual shooter (oh, and another banned book is “The Diary of Anne Frank,” because of course we can’t let some woke dead Jewish refugee hiding in a house attic provide an example of courage in the face of one of the worst governments of an industrialized nation in human history...and as noted here, the issue of banning books in school libraries hits close to home for yours truly)...

...oh, and speaking of kids returning to school, I think this is a pretty “on the nose” ad, unfortunately, when it comes to The Land Of The Yellow Rose in particular (to help Beto O’Rourke against the thoroughly execrable Greg Abbott, click here...more here)...

...and under the category of Stupid Voting Tricks, I give you Repug Secretary of State candidate in Minnesota Kim Crockett bragging apparently about voter suppression...“which raises the question, should (disabled people or those of other ethnicity) be voting,” and the RWNJ radio host snickers of course, though of course one of her spokespeople was quick to deny’s been a long time since Katherine Harris came to mind – ugh...Sam and Emma of The Majority Report explain...

...and tied somewhat to the prior clip discussing Republican voting nonsense, Thom Hartmann asks the apocalyptic (but timely, sadly) question “Will Trump Supporters End Democracy” (and the clip talks about Trumpsters going nuts in Texas, a state Trump and the Repugs won! And Thom also discusses Trump-related antics in other swing states)...

...and when it comes to Repugs trying to control women’s bodily autonomy, Ana tells us about South Carolina state rep Neal Collins, who (shockingly) voiced some regret over his vote on another ridiculous anti-abortion bill (more here)...and Ana discusses the terrible case of the woman in Louisiana who will apparently be forced to carry a headless fetus to term (here)...what country am I living in again?...

...and in a similar vein, Farron Cousins discusses a three-judge panel in FLA that said a teenager was not “sufficiently mature” enough to get an abortion, even though she met their ridiculous requirements every other way (here)...once more, if men got pregnant, there would be so many morning-after pills and so many abortion providers you wouldn’t be able to keep track of them all (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and switching topics a bit, Robert Reich gives more information on how exactly the “party of Lincoln” is LYING when it comes to claiming that the infrastructure reconciliation bill that just passed and Biden signed (I guess that’s what it’s being called) is going to provide this army of IRS agents to go after middle class taxpayers...

...and I’m REALLY going to switch the mood here with this item...yesterday marked the 65th anniversary of an obscure bit of baseball lore; long-time-great Phillies centerfielder (and announcer) Richie Ashburn (pictured) hit a woman spectator twice in the same at-bat with two different foul balls into the stands (more here)...she was married to someone working for the organization, and their son became a Phillies truly can’t make up this stuff, people...I think this tune is appropriate for the occcasion.

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