Sunday, August 07, 2022

Sunday Stuff

Ayman Mohyeldin features the link between “Christian nationalism” and the 1/6 insurrection (and to be fair, I think Trumpster Doug Mastriano has tried to distance himself from this lunatic in charge of Gab – how con-vee-nient – as noted here, mainly because he got caught and definitely not because he came down with an attack of conscience... Mohyeldin speaks with Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, who lays out pretty well the threat behind this dangerous perversion of faith and its impact on our politics, particularly considering this fall’s elections and the 2024 contests)...

...and Mehdi Hasan tells us that corporations not paying their fair share in taxes costs us about $12 billion...nice grift if you can get it...and coming up $1 trillion short in tax revenue because of IRS underfunding (and leave it to “Cancun” Cruz to come up with a completely wrong-headed “take” on the issue...and I’m truly shocked to hear how reasonable Manchin is here; hard for me to give him credit, but I have to in all fairness for supporting the reconciliation bill, even though it’s an incredibly-paired-back version of Build Back Better...and I love Hasan’s refrain of “(de)fund the tax police”...with Pro Publica’s Jesse Eisinger...more info is here)..

...and Brian Tyler Cohen gives us this clip of Repug U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo saying he thinks the tax burden for Americans will rise from the reconciliation bill, but in reality not because of anything Biden and the Dems are doing, but because of how corporations are likely to pass off the cost of that tax burden to shareholders and their customers...and why the hell is that supposed to be the fault of the Dems? And as Cohen points out, the reconciliation bill is popular among all voters, including 59% of Republicans...also, as noted here, 5 former U.S. treasury secretaries say that this won’t increase the tax liability on anyone making under $400,000 a year...Republicans are unconscionable liars anyway, but they’re really “turning it up to 11” on this on Twitter, and probably elsewhere too (mildly NSFW/H...and once more, I have to ask where the #@!$ the concern was about tax liability over this?)...

...and Caroline Johnson, Jayar and Dan Evans tell us about this bit of performance art at CPAC from this guy Brandon Straka, who apparently is one hell of a snitch and maybe feels like he has to do a penance of sorts by portraying a 1/6 insurrectionist in a cage...

...and yeah, we’re all quite rightly having a good laugh over the campaign of Mehmet (“CALL ME DOCTOR, DAMMIT!”) Oz in Pa against John Fetterman, and it is completely deserved for all of the reasons Farron Cousins points out, but NEVER underestimate the ability of the “party of Lincoln” to drudge up slime to throw at their opposition, whether it’s actually true, or – as is usually the case – it’s based on utter help Fetterman, click here)...

...and the last performer I saw who played multiple instruments on their own track like this was Todd Rundgren, but Madison Cunningham also does that pretty well here too IMO.

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