Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday Stuff

I totally get that it’s difficult to keep up with all of the insanity in the news given all of the nutty rulings from our SCOTUS which has now gone “mask off” and totally rogue at this point, but it looks like some life forms in “the land of the yellow rose” are making noises like they want to secede which I say, GOOD! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out, and we’ll just bring in D.C. and Puerto Rico instead...and of course, what would a wingnut hissy fit be without at least one misspelling, as shown (Lawrence O’Donnell speaks with Eddie Glaude and Melissa Murray...and if Bushie Jack Goldsmith thinks we shouldn’t do anything against treasonous Repugs to placate the mob, then we might just as well declare that democracy is finished and fascism has won...but I’m definitely not ready to do that yet)...

...and returning to our renegade Supreme Court, Fareed Zakaria speaks with NYT reporter Emily Bazelon on about how the flimsy legal underpinning behind the Dobbs decision gutting Roe is based in this court’s radical interpretation of that pesky 14th Amendment (originally passed to recognize slaves as Americans, it has been used WAY MORE to establish “corporate rights”...and with all due respect to Bazelon, I honestly don’t think this SCOTUS gives a damn about popular American opinion or whatever, though I do think she and Zakaria are right that Hangin’ Judge JR is pretty much a figurehead at this point)...

...and this CBC report tells us about the protests over the end of Roe (and if the Democrats had any spine as a party, they would begin proceedings in the Senate to have “Strip Search Sammy” Alito impeached, given his recent words on Roe and his testimony on his SCOTUS confirmation that he basically considered it to be settled law, instead of “egregiously wrong,” which is what he recently said when he destroyed it...everything going on with this SCOTUS, including decisions just handed down and some which may be yet to come, absolutely SCREAMS for a vigorous executive and congressional response from Team “D” (something like this), though I don’t see that they’re up to the to be wrong)...

...and Farron Cousins, sitting in for David Pakman, tells us about Roger Marshall, U.S. Senatorial idiot from Kansas, who is trying to block a school lunch program because he thinks Biden is trying to disallow discrimination against LGBTQ youth...reason number TEN ZILLION NOT TO VOTE FOR FREAKING REPUBLICANS!...

...and this tells us about the latest nutty SCOTUS decision, and this one has to do with the wingnuts siding with the Washington State football coach who prayed on the 50 yard line after games (here), with Gorsuch saying, “Well, he wasn’t in a classroom, so it’s OK?” Umm, WAS HE AN EMPLOYEE OF THE SCHOOL OR WASN’T HE? SO OF COURSE HE WAS ACTING WITH THE SCHOOL’S APPROVAL!!

Oh, and I love the part about, well, this won’t open the floodgates for cases involving religious expression in public schools...yeah, just like Bush V. Gore won’t rip open a hole in allowing partisan legislatures to run roughshod over independent election administration...not much it won’t (not blaming Pete Williams because I think he’s reporting this in an evenhanded way...oh, but we don’t have “white privilege” in this country...not much we don’t – all that idiot coach had to do was pray in private, like the Bible says, actually, and all of this mess could have been avoided)...

...and I’m overdue for a newer tune I know; hopefully this can help us take our minds off this insanity for awhile.

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