Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Thom Hartmann tells us about the Republican hate and fear strategy to serve the rich (yep, an anti-LGBTQ agenda, and demonizing minorities of course...and it should probably come as no surprise that FLA guv Ron #DeathSantis is lying yet again about a girl getting some kind of conversion treatment without the knowledge of her parents..and nothing against Thom of course, but what does it tell you about how insane the other side is that HE HAS TO EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL EMPATHY IS??!! And yeah, this also provides an important lesson in corporations not wanting to pay for a goddamn thing and instead concocting non-issues to distract voters as usual...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about some Trumpist wingnut named Robert Shapiro, who is apparently running in NJ to primary Repug U.S. House Rep Chris Smith (tells you how nutty the “party of Lincoln” is to do that to someone as conservative as Smith...Shapiro wants “Let’s Go Brandon FJB” to appear next to his name on the ballot...and you know what? I agree with Cousins – let the guy do it and prove to the entire world that he’s a total idiot)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ brings us the story of Russian soldiers who apparently brought radioactive material form Chernobyl home with them; I would laugh at their stupidity if it weren’t for the fact that this will likely put innocent people at a grave health risk...

...and Tiffany Cross of MSNBC speaks with Evan Milligan, executive director of the voting rights organization Alabama Forward, and Latosha Brown of Black Voters Matter on a case before the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR having to do with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (trying to get a voting districting map instituted in AL that doesn’t do still more to deny representation to people of color, which Alabama would surely do if they could)...

..and Ana of TYT discusses Wonder Boy Jared Kushner’s startup company getting $2 billion from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bone Saw, which could very well indeed by a tit-for-tat for not holding the Saudis to account over the murder of U.S. citizen Jamal Khashoggi...oh, but please tell me about Hunter Biden’s laptop again, OK?...a particularly disgusting update is here...and in terms of our awful relationship with our “good friends” the Saudis, well, a long time ago I read the book “Veil” by Bob Woodward about the secret wars of the CIA under The Sainted Ronnie R, and any time that regime wanted to bankroll anything that actually wasn’t an illegal arms sale, they went right to the Saudis...

...and if I do say so myself, I think this tune is an apt selection given the prior video.

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