Monday, March 07, 2022

Monday Stuff

I don’t know much about the makers of this clip, made by a bunch who call themselves the Republican Accountability Project, but it’s pretty damn good (would that, y’know, the Democrats had the spine to do something like this)...

...and it looks like The Daily Show has discovered the drug suddenly used by everyone in the “party of Lincoln”...

...and Ayman Mohyeldin, sitting in for Rachel Maddow, tells us about the last independent TV channel in Russia that was forced to shut down...figures (interview with Tikhon Dzyadko, editor-in-chief of TV Rain)...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell gives us a bit of a history lesson on the Cold War (including the “daisy ad”...I basically don’t have an issue with O’Donnell and I think he’s generally spot-on, and once in a while he “hits it out of the park,” and I think he does that again here)...

...and Beau gives us the latest on Huckleberry Graham’s remarks that probably will get a lot of play in Russia (calling for the oligarchs to “off” Vlad The many ways of duuuh! to count here...not sure I can recall the last time I saw Beau so genuinely disgusted, and for damn good reason)...

...and Cenk and Ana of TYT discuss Pat Robertson’s particularly bonkers take on Putin supposedly “on a mission from God,” or something, trying to hasten the “end times” (kudos to Cenk for his “take no prisoners” commentary on this)...

...and returning to matters affecting this country, this clip from More Perfect Union describes UPS workers getting hurt on the job and apparently getting forced back to work (and dishonorable mentions go out to Concentra and Liberty Mutual, who apparently work with UPS to force workers back onto the job when they’re not ready)...

...and here’s another Nils Lofgren tune with this in mind.

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