Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Stuff (update)

It looks like Cancun Cruz hit a new level of rock bottom this week at the hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson to be (hopefully) confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, looking up himself on Google apparently to see how many hits he got for his typically idiotic escapade against the most worthy nominee to appear before “the world’s greatest deliberative body” in quite a while (David Doel explains... and I would have more respect for Ben Sasse if he hadn’t voted against aid for Ukraine)...

Update 3/27/22: And apparently sales of this book are through the roof after Cruz's antics - nice (kid is adorable too).

...and this Don Winslow video reminds us what a gutless worm Cruz truly is – If someone told me that my family and I had to up and relocate to Texas, I would seriously have to look at emigrating to Canada (though I’m sure Austin is pretty nice)...definitely don’t want any parts of a state that thinks people like Cruz, Cornyn, Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton are the type of people who should serve in public office...

...and Trae Crowder gives us his NSFW/H commentary on the U.S. Senate Repugs (including Cancun Ted) trying to derail Ketanji Brown Jackson from being confirmed to the Supreme Court...

...and turning to Vlad The Butcher and the carnage he has inflicted in Ukraine, Francesca and David Shuster tell us, among other things, that President Biden has said that the U.S. will accept 100K refugees...and yeah, I’m sure we could do better (along with a discussion about sanctions and potential future developments in the ongoing tragedy inflicted by Russia – among the many galling failures by our utterly bought-and-paid-for corporate media is their almost complete and utter refusal to hold those 8 Republican U.S. senators to account who travelled to Moscow on July 4th, 2018)...

...and Jayar Jackson and Michael Shure of Rebel HQ tell us that Repug senatorial idiot Mike Braun in Indiana recently talked about making mixed marriage illegal (re, the Loving ruling), and basically Griswold on privacy also...yep, saying the quiet part out loud for sure (what century is this again? And yeah, when you hear a wingnut say anything along the lines of “letting the states decide,” rest assured that that’s code language for “make it illegal”...interesting to mention Joe Donnelly by Shure and what can happen when you primary a Dem; of course, I don’t know anybody who opposed economic populism, and I also don’t know how much Donnelly embraced that or not...kind of academic at this point I know, sadly...more here)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report give us that great video from Kentucky senator Karen Berg giving it to the white men in charge of state government who think they have the right to pass anti-abortion bans (15 weeks pertaining to women’s health care...pretty bleeping barbaric all right)...

...and on the subject of powerful, important women (still a few days left in March), RIP Madeleine Albright, the first woman Secretary of State (a tribute from Mrs. Greenspan follows)...

...and here’s a tune to kick-start what I hope is a good weekend for us all; apparently the thermometer is going to take a bit of a dive in these parts.

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