Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins reminds us that we shouldn’t be “giving a cookie” to “Big Time” or “Bush’s Brain” over their words/actions on the anniversary of the 1/6 attack on the U.S. Capitol (and I think The Rude Pundit captured the appropriate level of outrage here, as usual)..

...and because humor will always have a liberal bias as far as I’m concerned, I can offer this...

...and with the prior two clips in mind, the latest from Second Thought reminds us Why American Fascism Is On The Rise (pretty comprehensive in linking the rise of Trumpism to Reagan and the overall failure of neoliberal economics)...

And by the way, has it occurred to anybody besides me that creating economic uncertainty, trying to sow political discord over it and enabling a “strongman” to tell everyone “Vote for me and I will solve all of your problems” (leading to authoritarianism) is pretty much what this country has been doing for probably the last 50 years or so in other countries, and this is kind of a case of “chickens coming home to roost” now?...

...and Ana “rocks it” in another solo TYT clip (75 billionaires increasing their wealth during the pandemic by $1 billion...I wish I could be mad at the TYT host for her dig at Pramila Jayapal, but unfortunately, Ana is exactly right)...

...and with this spate of high-profile public individuals departing us recently (including this Temple grad – 65 is way too damn young), it might be easy to lose track of the passing of Lani Guinier, who was tagged by former President Clinton as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in 1993 (noted here), though 42 ended up withdrawing her nomination when too many butt-hurt white Republican senators complained about far as I’m concerned, this was an early example of what a suckers bet it truly is to try and mollify these cretins, which is utterly impossible ...whenever you hear ANY Republican bitching about, for example, Robert Bork’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, tell them that Bork at least got an up-and-down vote, which he lost, while Guinier was never given that opportunity (Roland Martin tells us more)...

...and RIP also Marilyn Bergman, one of the major influences behind this song among many others.

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