Monday, November 08, 2021

Monday Stuff

Rayy Vana of Rebel HQ tells us about that crazy Repug U.S. House Rep (which one, I know) Lauren Boebert and her rant against Pete Buttigieg and paid family leave (more information on the Dem challengers running against this goofball can be found here...if I had to listen to that voice 24/7, I swear to God I would kill myself)...

Update 11/09/21: Kerry Donovan is now out unfortunately (here).

...and Ana and Cenk tell us about the latest insane rant about blah blah Biden deep state conspiracy, blah blah magnetized COVID vaccine, blah blah Ivermectin, etc...

...and with the prior clip in mind a bit, David Pakman tells us about some school board anti-vax anti-mask nut working in anti-Semitic tropes in a public meeting, apparently along with all of the other wingnut “greatest hits” (including CRT of course, which, it should be noted, isn't actually a thing)...

...fortunately, though, there are some Democrats out there with actual spines, and David Doel tells us about one of them, U.S. House Rep Jamie Raskin, over "socialism" (I LOVE the look on the face of the guy Raskin is speaking to in the hearing, with an expression of “how DARE you question me!,” and of course he’s not wearing a mask)...

...and Farron Cousins has some actual good news about Number 46, aside from the recent passage of the infrastructure about giving Biden a little credit for 30 circuit and district court judges getting confirmed (as well as getting the RIGHT kind of judges on the bench, who actually represented REAL PEOPLE as trial lawyers or public advocates before they were confirmed)?...

...and happy belated 80th birthday to Art Garfunkel.

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