Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Here’s another great new video from Don Winslow, giving Joe Manchin the treatment he deserves...oh, and please spare me the “take it easy on him and Sinema because we need them for their votes” BS – there is actual human misery associated with the antics of these two cretins, and that needs to be pointed out at every opportunity...

...and speaking of human misery, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/19/11 – what follows is a Koch Brothers Exposed video from Robert Greenwald about what they did to Crossett, Arkansas, where their Georgia Pacific plant poisoned the community (and even though David Koch has “shed his mortal coil,” Charles is still around to inflict more ruin, as noted here)...

...and this Now This clip tells us of a grieving Virginia mother who tragically lost her daughter to COVID...and then I read about characters like that idiot college football coach who gave up a MILLION DOLLAR SALARY because he wasn’t man enough to get the damn vaccine...and apparently, this fool is suing over it...OF COOUUURRRRSE!, as Cenk would say...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about that allegedly “reasonable” Republican U.S. House Rep Adam Kinzinger on why he opposed voting rights legislation in the House (first, I’d like to see Kinzinger provide ANY DOCUMENTATION WHATSOEVER to support his erroneous claim that the preclearance provision of the VRA was “temporary,” and second, the point of public financing is to GET THE DAMN DIRTY PRIVATE $$$ OUT OF OUR ELECTIONS, or work towards that goal anyway)...

...and I wasn’t around to include this Second Thought video last week on “Automation: Capitalism vs. Socialism,” so here it is now (not sure that the “owner vs. worker” class thing started under automation and hadn’t already existed for hundreds of years already dating back to the middle ages or earlier, but that’s OK, and he’s absolutely right about the need for UBI as the pace of technological change increases)...

...and I thought this was a cool new fall tune for sunny day in these parts – may go out and rake some leaves or burn a scented maple candle, or something like that.

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