Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday Stuff

Ali Velshi tells us about people using breakthrough COVID-19 cases as an excuse for not getting vaccinated (dumb and dangerous for so damn many reasons at this point)...

Update: And of course as we know, Former Governor Bully is such a medical expert..."indoctrination" my ass...(here).

...and related to the pandemic, John, Charles Coleman and Kenya Evelyn tell us about the ridiculous hissy fit that Repug U.S. Sen. Rand “Aqua Buddha” Paul threw at Dr. Anthony Fauci last week, as well as that even-more-ridiculous interview with U.S. House Rep Madison (“Cry More Lib”) Cawthorn.

Here is my response to this (and I apologize for inflicting both Paul and Cawthorn on you, dear viewer, in this clip).

I thought Kenya Evelyn summed up everything pretty well with what an opportunistic pig Cawthorn is (and oh, Dr. Fauci was lying because his hands were supposedly shaking??? Seriously???!!!). An attempted explanation like that about Fauci is at least as absurd as that “body language” expert on Bernie Sanders who Joy Reid interviewed, in a rare moment of idiocy for Reid...also, I’m BEYOND FED UP with people taking “Dr.” Rand Paul seriously as an alleged medical expert...he was certified as an ophthalmologist by a board THAT HE APPROVED OF!! I wouldn't let Paul ANYWHERE NEAR ME on matters pertaining to vision...and as others smarter than I have noted, at the end of the day, all of this is just deflection away from Mango Mussolini and the “R” party for their abysmal handling of the COVID response...

...and whaddaya turns out that Fix Noise has their own version of “vaccine passports” (but shhh...don’t tell anybody – with Alyssa Bernardino...)...

...and I thought this was another interesting take from Beau of the Fifth Column, this time on the tactic by Nancy Pelosi of not allowing Gym Jordan and Jim Banks onto the 1/6 commission...and naming Adam Kinzinger was kind of a slam-dunk as noted here (with the predictable outcry from the lunatic with three names), but kudos to Pelosi for not blowing it, and once again, I’d like to see our corporate media cousins give Dem U.S. Senate Majority “Leader” Chuck Schumer a fraction of the scrutiny that Pelosi gets...and this confirms that Pelosi made a good call on Banks...


...and David Doel tells us that it looks like a majority in Arizona apparently want to primary “Curtsy Kyrsten” based on the numbers (yeah, I know it’s a ways off, but it’s never too late to start punishing Sinema for her utter betrayal)...

...and here's another feel-good summer tune that I hope takes the edge off everything a bit.

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