Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Thom Hartmann informs us, among other things, that Finland is apparently fighting back against social networking trolls by teaching school kids media literacy – what a great idea (so they grow up being intelligent news consumers and not just automatically ingesting right-wing BS)...good points about this country utterly not caring about this (with notable exceptions I realize) as well as having devalued social studies long ago of course...

...and this is a long but important segment from Cenk and Ana of TYT which pretty much calls it as it is with the U.S. Senate Dems in particular, along with the nonsensical game played by our news media to curry favor with these characters (I don’t know what’s more damning, frankly; Sinema’s crappy ads where she pretended to be a progressive or Manchin’s leaked phone call begging his campaign funders to get U.S. Senate Republicans to throw him a metaphorical bone to at least give the illusion of bipartisanship...unintentionally hilarious to think Manchin would get anywhere on that...and speaking of social media, the whole Sam Seder/Steven Crowder thing really is hilarious - Crowder is such a damn baby...more here)...

...and John and Yasmin Khan tell us that Our Former Tiny Handed Treasonous Russian Operative of a *president sent the DOJ after SNL in March ’19...we can indeed laugh now, but whoever comes after Trump from that party will have learned this lesson and others, and it won’t be humorous in any way...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that it looks like Biden may be getting serious about “packing the courts,” the correct way of course...

...and PA State Rep Malcolm Kenyatta continues to impress me; this time, he’s correctly slamming the attempts of Republicans (of course) in our beloved commonwealth to mess around with our right to vote...

...and maybe this is a little early for Halloween, but then again, maybe not (file this under “Fangs For The Memories” I guess :-).

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