Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Brian Stelter of CNN raised the red flags here about Sean Inanity of Fix Noise, echoed a bit by Adam Serwer in the following clip...

...and I thought this was a particularly spot-on commentary from Beau of the Fifth Column on Gwen Berry and the flag, the latest “values” dustup of a distraction from the “party of Lincoln” (including this numbskull from Texas)...

...and Chris Hayes asks If Race Isn’t Central to US History, Why is CRT So Important To The GOP (and kudos to Merrick Garland and the DOJ for suing GA over their BS voting law, which, if it didn’t start all of the garbage anti-voting stuff out there, was one of the first states to get that ball rolling, you might say)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Chris Wallace talking with that lying asshole Repug U.S. House Rep Jim Banks on $$ in the Biden ARP for funding related to criminal justice (wow, I had no idea that Nancy Pelosi and of course Ilhan Omar had such magical mystical power to drive down police recruitment and hiring...removing my tongue from my cheek - and if Democrats had actually cared about supposedly trying to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners, which I don't agree with though I'm sorely tempted to do so, they would have found a way to do it by now)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 6/29/15, with a commentary from Bill Maher on the “loyal opposition” from back when Maher used to actually be funny (NSFW/H)...

...and The Lincoln Project brings us “Last Week In The Republican Party”...

...and today is the 65th anniversary of President Eisenhower signing the Federal Aid Highway Act, which was a key milestone in the development of our interstate highway system (from an era where Republicans weren’t politically brain dead...more here)...

...and happy upcoming 70th birthday to Philly jazz legend Stanley Clarke.

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