Friday, June 04, 2021

Friday Stuff

Thom Hartmann speaks with science journalist Peter Aldhous about the actual death count (as opposed to the erroneous initial count) from the Texas energy grid failure and why the information was wrong (a little wonky, but important)...

...and speaking of “the land of the yellow rose,” I thought this was a particularly good commentary from Beau of the Fifth Column about what Texas HS valedictorian Paxton Smith said about the Repugs in that state doing all they can to intrude on women’s personal health care decisions (more here - and yeah, now watch these troglodytes try to withhold her diploma, which will likely end up in court)...


...and switching from the sublime (Smith I mean) to the ridiculous, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about more performative bullshit from “Curtsy Kyrsten”...yeah, I’m sure Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao is having a deep, hearty laugh listening to this utterly mindless harpie lecturing people on their behavior; I’d really like to see the IRS audit Sinema to find out just who is bankrolling her, and for how much (more here)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that suicides among ICE detainees exploded in 2020...dear God (a particularly well-done commentary IMO)...

...and here’s some good news – David Pakman tells us that Biden (and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland) have suspended drilling in the ANWR (not completely sold on nuclear yet, but I definitely think it’s worth having this discussion)...

...and Rachel Maddow speaks with cyber security expert David Kennedy about Russian criminal hackers disrupting our fuel lines and food supply, including the JBS plants – terrific (I’m watching this clip and recalling how stoo-pid Kyle K. was for blowing off Russia and their intrusions in our government and industries)...

...and I guess I really should note Fix Noise and their BS about “critical race theory,” which, again, is more “Look over there!” nonsense instead of trying to help solve the problems that we need to address and are actually critical to our survival, such as anything related to climate change, voting, economic justice, guns, reproductive rights, etc...

...and since we're now past Memorial Day, I should probably start working in my summer selections, beginning with this one.

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