Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us Repug U.S. House Rep Andrew Clyde, who said the 1/6 insurrectionists were “tourists,” was shown helping to barricade the door of the U.S. House chamber; to me, this is why you can’t trust ANY REPUBLICAN to be an honest actor on ANY ISSUE (more here...if they’re not going to do the right thing on an attempted takeover of our democratically elected form of government...well then, is there ANY LINE that they’re willing to draw?)...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us a clue on what life could be like under a brutal American oligarchy (he mentions the “guard rails” being taken off by the SCOTUS in Buckley in ’76 and Bellotti in ’78...the last minute of this is huge)...

... and this Now This clip tells us of Dem U.S. House members speaking out on the Israeli/Palestinian far as I’m concerned, Netanyahu should have been prosecuted as a war criminal in 2014 for this...

...and Chris Hayes gives us a litany of the bad faith conservative arguments against overturning Roe, which they’re chomping at the bit to do once and for all...

...and that actually leads us into the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 5/20/19, in which we learn about Repugs and their statewide anti-abortion laws...

...and David Doel tells us about Dem U.S. House Rep Katie Porter demolishing another fat cat CEO with her white board; this time, the thoroughly deserving victim is Richard Gonzalez of AbbVie, the makers of Humira, with Porter taking him to task over the INSANE prices of their medication as well as figuring out how the $$ is actually spent at his company (yep, you guessed right if you thought it was for stock buybacks and dividends)...

...and RIP actor Charles Grodin; kind of an offbeat guy I guess with good comic timing and an underrated actor generally (clip is from Midnight Run...NSFW/H)...

..and happy upcoming 75th birthday to Cher (hey, why not?).

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