Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday Stuff

Someone should find a way to come up with some kind of a memorial for the victims of gun violence in this country, on the order of “the wall” for those lost in the Vietnam War, and allow plenty of room for expansion since I’m sure more names will be added in perpetuity, though I would LOVE to be wrong on that; such a memorial should stretch from the end of one of the chambers of the U.S. Capitol to the other so our lawmakers should have to pass it EVERY SINGLE DAY on their way to work as a testimony to their collective failure to address the epidemic of gun violence. I realize that’s a woefully insufficient solution, but maybe it’s high time that we start shaming these cretins (in response to another mass shooting, this time in San Jose, with reporting in the following video from Vaughn Hillyard and Pete Williams of NBC News...I mean, it’s just another day with a “y” in it, so of course we have another gun-related tragedy, right?)...

...and Chris Hayes gives us a segment on the Biden Administration looking into the “lab leak hypothesis” when it comes to the origins of COVID...I’m not sure how productive an exercise that actually is, but yeah, whatever...I think Hayes says at the end here (kind of diplomatically) that we shouldn’t let Fix Noise mislead us yet again with more of their BS talking points (and I don't wish COVID on anybody, but if I did, it would be this asshat...the Repug KY senator I mean)...

...and the Morning Joe people talk about Republican politicians not meeting with the mother of Ofc. Brian Sicknick, who wants these soulless life forms to support a commission to look into the 1/6 insurrection (to tell you the truth, I’m tired of hearing these explanations from people like Barnicle and especially Michael Steele who, as far as I’m concerned, helped build this Frankenstein monster of an alleged “political party” by not calling these people to account when they should have to prevent their rise to power)...

Update: Yep, nothing but bad faith actors - but we knew that, right? (here).

...and with the prior clip in mind, here is your periodic reminder that the "party of Lincoln" is composed overwhelmingly (but not exlusively) of utter cowards (including this numbskull from our beloved commonwealth)...

...and I think Beau has an interesting theory about Former Generalissimo Trump and Baby Newton Leroy Gingrich teaming up for an updated version on the “Contract on America”...nothing against Beau, but unfortunately he’s probably right...I take from this that the Repugs will have their BS messaging all ready in time for next year, and the Dems had better have the same thing (but good messaging I mean) – I think Beau is absolutely right about the mid-terms being an opportunity to root out Trumpism and us being stuck with these life forms for a while if we don’t (knowing, of course, that Trumpism is just the latest iteration of what the Repugs are all about anyway)...

...and David Doel tells us about the AP sacking Emily Wilder, most likely for her pro-Palestinian advocacy, proving yet again that the very worst thing that someone in corporate media can do is to piss off a conservative (in all likelihood, the militarist wingnut in the U.S. Senate from Arkansas, as noted here)...

...and Mehdi Hasan and Robert Reich give us their take on the “labor shortage” (no disrespect to Hasan or Reich at the end, but the discussion about that anti-Semitic lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene...and I remembered the “e”...was pointless; none of this matters unless her constituents say “enough is enough”...and I don’t know about the politics “on the ground” in her district, but I’m tempted to say that her antics don’t phase them in the least, sadly)...

...and happy 76th birthday to Bruce Cockburn.

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