Friday, April 09, 2021

Friday Stuff

Robert Reich tells us how corporations tilt the metaphorical scales against the working class in this country (tax advantages in their favor, union membership declining especially in the private sector, crappy trade deals, ignoring infrastructure...yep, the usual laundry list of offenses I know, but it bears repeating)...

...and while we're on the subject, it looks like the vote to unionize Amazon workers in Alabama has failed unfortunately (here), but David Doel tells us how Jeff Bezos and his pals rigged the election against the employees, who hopefully can get a do-over, but we'll see...

...and sticking with the theme of why we should feel sorry for those poor, put-upon corporations (removing my tongue from my cheek), Ana and Francesca of TYT tell us about Neil Cavuto clutching pearls, if you will, over the portrayal of the CEO in the flick Godzilla v. the snark...

...and speaking of corporations once more, Rachel Maddow tells us about their influence in getting Congress to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act in 2006 before it was gutted by the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR 7 years later (once more with the quote from Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao telling corporations to “stay out of politics”)...

...and thanks once again to the U.S. Senate parliamentarian, the Dems can pass an infrastructure bill with zero Republican votes as Thom Hartmann tells us, even though I’m sure Manchin and/or Sinema will idiotically find a way to try and prevent it...

...and with all of this and the ruinous reign of Mango Mussolini and the January 6th insurrection, it looks like the number of voters who identify as Republicans has taken a nosedive, which is a terrific opportunity for Dems; hopefully they’ll know how to capitalize on it, but we’ll see...

...and I don’t suppose I can ignore any longer yet another attempt at conservative comedy; this time it’s the show “Gutfeld!” brought to us by Fix Noise of course, with commentary from The Majority Report (and yeah, Brian Williams sure blew it with the helicopter thing, but for the record, he actually apologized, and as noted, that’s years-old anyway; I think they had the opportunity to actually mine something somewhat amusing from that, but of course they blew it, and apparently the show has gotten progressively worse over succeeding nights...mildly NSFW)... response (concerning actual humor for real), I should note that today is the 93rd birthday (God bless him) of the funniest math professor of all time...we can always use a laugh.

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