Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Ari Melber speaks with lawyer Neal Katyal about the ridiculous new voter discrimination laws that Georgia is trying to pass (with a similar push for equally stupid measures going on around the country, including this...more here – an atypically odd question by Melber about the jury vs. following the evidence...usually he’s “on the beam” pretty much, but that left me a little baffled)...

Update 1: And as long as we're discussing Bri-Fi, I think this is a good question also (and why the hell is the Bucks Republican Party using a J&J "spoof" account for this? Oh, I get it - to try and trick people on a wait list for the COVID shot into picking up the phone under false pretenses...riiiight...and Pat Poprik apologized because she got caught).

Update 2: These people are always horrible and useless, and they're horrible and useless again here.

...and in a related story as they say, while I usually don’t pay a lot of attention to the NBA, I have to give LeBron James a lot of credit for this (I just know about this ad because Rachel Maddow discussed it last night)...

...and Chris Hayes talks to Paul Krugman about the COVID relief bill (the only caveat I would add is that it remains to be seen how much the relief bill will help folks living paycheck to paycheck BEFORE the pandemic hit, but yes, there’s a hell of a lot that’s positive that will help a lot of folks...and as long as we're discussing our current plague, I think this is appropriate)...

...and since every action must have a reaction I guess, that means that it’s up to Fix and Fiends to attack the American Rescue Plan – and by the way, Kilmeade’s claim about only 9 percent going to pandemic relief is a typical lie (more info is here), and I wouldn’t trust Dan Crenshaw on ANYTHING based on this...

...and Pap and Farron Cousins talk about the fracking ban in the Delaware River (yep, it is a big deal also all right, and for sure, this needs to happen nationwide, though it’s probably trying to chase the metaphorical horse after it’s already out of the barn, so to speak, but better late than never...Pap needs to get his rivers straight...big dif between the Delaware and the Susquehanna)...

...and happy belated 75th birthday to Matthew Fisher of Procal Harum.

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