Saturday, February 13, 2021

Saturday Stuff (updates)

Charles Schumer is absolutely, without a doubt, the most useless “Democratic” politician I have ever seen in my life!

Who on the Dem side made the decision not to call witnesses in Trump’s second impeachment trial? Who handed Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao a gift-wrapped, ribbon-tied Valentine to prematurely end the proceedings and hasten Generalissimo Trump’s acquittal?

How could it have been anyone BUT Schumer??!!

I’m just one person and my personal situation doesn’t matter in the scheme of things I know, but do you want to know WHY I steadfastly refuse to donate to the DCCC, DNC, DSCC or similar organizations (despite the plague of phone calls, Emails and texts)? It’s because of Repug-accommodating bullshit just like this, that’s why!

Yes, we knew Trump would be acquitted because not enough Republican U.S. Senate cowards would do the right honorable thing and ensure that 45 NEVER blighted our presence again and would be forever denied any post-presidential perks (and again, I grudgingly have to do something I thought I would never do and that is to give Pat Toomey credit for showing some political courage for a change, since he was one of seven Republicans with an actual conscience on this).


I don’t normally put a lot of faith in Politico, but this is all I’ve been able to track down so far on this. And what I take from this account (again, unless some other information comes up that is verified by at least one source I would consider reliable) is that conserva-Dems Chris Coons and Joe Manchin (big surprises I know) put pressure on the House impeachment managers not to call witnesses (the alternative version is that House managers weren’t prepared to call witnesses, which, given their expert presentations to date, is a “take” that I find very difficult to believe).

And who is to blame for allowing Manchin and Coons to pull this garbage? As far as I’m concerned, it’s Schumer, for not keeping his caucus together on this (and don't think I'm giving this cretin a pass either).

Which makes this clip (in the matter of Trump’s first impeachment) laughably absurd and ridiculous...

(OK, to be fair, I think this is noteworthy. But given the prior clip, I think that makes the argument against witnesses even more of a joke. And I realize that could have opened the door to the Trump team calling everybody and their brother to drag this out and make it look like the Senate Dems can't get anything done, but as far as I'm concerned, you use every weapon at your disposal.)

Update 1: I have a bit of respect for Norman Ornstein, but sorry - no sale (here).

Update 2: Uh, yep...

...and probably what makes me angriest the most about the decision not to call witnesses is the fact that the call from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to the Gropenfuhrer should have been entered into the record, but now it never will be (McCarthy should have been forced to testify, even if he had been a hostile witness – Cenk’s outrage is commendable and COMPLETELY called for IMHOUpdate 1 2/14/21: OK, I was wrong - the statement from Jamie Herrera Beutler described the McCarthy call to Trump (here), and that was read into the record - Cenk discussed the McCarthy call in this clip...

Update 2 2/14/21: I may have been wrong about McCarthy/Herrera, but it looks like I wasn't wrong about Coons (here).

Update 3 2/14/21: Here is another take on the Dems’s failure to call witnesses, and I’d like to respond as follows:

Think of how compelling it would have been for Officer Eugene Goodman or anyone else in the Capitol police to testify as to the strain the 1/6 attacks had inflicted on them personally and professionally. Or for anyone in the House or Senate (who likely would have been Dems of course) who were forced to literally run for their lives. Or fear for greater exposure to COVID from mask-less protestors. Or from anyone who had to clean up the mess and destruction from the thugs bent on murder and mayhem. THAT would have attached human faces to all of this carnage. And yes, I realize President Tiny-Handed Orange Pestilence would have likely been acquitted anyway, but it would have formed an indelible impression.

To compare this to another episode from the history books, what does everyone remember about the Watergate congressional investigation for example? It was the testimony from the real or accused co-conspirators, John Dean in particular.

As far as I’m concerned, the same standard applies here (and here is more ammunition in support of that argument).

Update 4 2/14/21: AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T FREAKING STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! (and I don't mean Eschaton)

Update 1 2/15/21: Yep, I think this says it.

Update 2 2/15/21: If this is true, then it should have been announced by Schumer or a House impeachment manager on Saturday, not an MSNBC TV host two days later.

...and returning to the just-concluded trial (ugh), this Now This clip tells us that Trump’s lawyers basically took their talking points from Fix Noise – big surprise, I know (and as far as the claim about John Sullivan is concerned, I give you this)...

...and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory, don’t you love the way the “Fox-bots” like this John Roberts guy and that blonde hairdo get uncomfortable with Chris Wallace telling the truth and start mumbling over him near the end of the clip, as if to say, “yeah – you’re going off script, Chris, so we’re cutting you off”? Assholes (Brian Tyler Cohen tells us more)...

...and I realize this isn’t the end of investigations related to last November’s election; as David Doel tells us, it looks like Huckleberry Graham is still “in the barrel,” you might say, over potential election interference in Georgia...

...and oh yeah, it turns out that Our Treasonous Former Russian Operative of a *president was a lot sicker with COVID than we knew previously - lies upon lies upon lies of course...

...and happy 71st birthday to Peter Gabriel.

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