Saturday, December 26, 2020

Saturday Stuff

I wish we had seen this kind of alarm about what Mango Mussolini truly was prior to the 2016 election, but better late than never I guess (Chris Cuomo delivers this on-air editorial; definitely don’t share his opinion of Ben Sasse, though others will be probably be conned about that guy too...oh, and when it comes to economic COVID-related relief, let's not forget about this too - so goddamn tired of having to look at that ugly mug of his!...also, as it turns out, the $2K is a "Trojan horse" anyway to cut "wasteful spending" that Trump already

...and Kyle K. tells us about Fix Noise and that idiot Kilmeade along with Sean Duffy, bitching about economic COVID relief...I definitely like Kyle’s “tax cut” argument...and I never bought this “oh, people will never work again” argument because what other way are people going to get their health care since we don’t have Medicare for All?...

...and Thom Hartmann speaks with a caller in Minnesota, which leads into more on the “open up” protests by small businesses (GREAT analysis by Thom that, inevitably, leads back to Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, which it should)...

...and David Pakman gives us an example of “dead people voting,” in which a Trumper in our beloved commonwealth of PA was able to cast a ballot for his deceased mom (and in a related story, kudos to PA Lt. Guv John Fetterman for this...foreshadowing the "126" post a bit)...

...and speaking of those who have passed on, RIP Leslie West of Mountain...

...and this number offcially marks the end of the seasonal tunes - c'est la vie.

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