Sunday, November 08, 2020

Sunday Stuff

(I should note that I expect to be gradually cutting back on the Trump memes, which I'm happy to do given the most recent presidential win for Biden/Harris.)

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us here about Generalissimo Trump bitching about the ballot counting in the recently-completed presidential election, to the point where even the Fix Noise reporter calls out the anchor on it (I realize this issue is pretty settled, but I’m sure this charge will be resurrected for the lawsuits which I’m sure will be ongoing...and not surprisingly, Hunter of Daily Kos nails it here)...

...and John I. and Jayar of “The Damage Report” tell us that “the squad” doubled as a result of the 2020 contests, which of course is good news...

...but what isn’t good of course is the fact that our corporate media is taking EXACTLY THE WRONG LESSON from what just happened; I hate to break the news to anybody, but except for Biden and results noted above (and outliers like Mark Kelly and Hickenlooper, as well as some ballot measures), there really isn’t a hell of a lot to take comfort from if you’re a Democrat...yes, it took a broad coalition to boot Our Orange Pustule from office (which is the prize we needed to win of course), and good luck trying to keep that coalition together going forward, but as I tried to emphasize here also, we have to be about economic populism first and foremost...I actually think that’s some of what Claire McCaskill tried to communicate, albeit in an incredibly stupid way (and invoking “coastal elites”...really resisting an urge to throw my TV out the window in the general direction of Missouri), and one could legitimately ask WHY THE HELL SHE DIDN’T CAMPAIGN ON THAT WHEN SHE WAS SENATOR OF THAT STATE!!!

(Oh, and Brian Williams tells Michael Steele, of all people, he can take a “victory lap.” Pardon me while I gag! Do you know who’s entitled to take a “victory lap” for real? Some of the people mentioned here (90-something percent turnout in Detroit, with Rashida Tlaib, people! well as tribal Native American support in Arizona). Also, people like Conor Lamb and Abigail Spanberger have to resist getting their shorts in a knot when the “socialism” charge is thrown at them. Republicans have been playing that stupid game for 70 years! Haven’t you figured out that that’s code for rewarding the well-off and stabbing everybody else in the back? Why are you still playing that nonsense with them? I will admit once more, though, that “defund the police” is stoo-pid on so many levels as a slogan.)

It might be a good idea to remind some “chicken little” Democrats why they ended up in the U.S. House majority in the first place two years ago. The first issue was protecting the ACA which was (and still is) under continual Republican attack. The second was that horrible December 2017 tax bill that rewarded the one percent...again...and blew up the deficit...again. So yeah, Democrats, you have NO CHOICE but to run on economic issues as opposed to “values” nonsense (and yeah, once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they did good work with their ads)...

...and some of what Cenk and Ana said above is echoed here by Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland, who is a bit of negative Cassandra at times I’ll admit, though she’s ostensibly right; it’s going to take imagination and strategy to craft an economically populist message in swing districts, but as far as I’m concerned, if you’re even somewhat competent as a Democrat, you should be able to pull that off...or, if you need help, try reaching out to AOC, as noted here (behind the NYT pay wall)...

...still, though, I think we’re allowed to take a bit of a breather and celebrate (here)...

Update 11/9/20: Granted the bar is set really low here, but credit to Dubya where it's due (here).

...and why not do so with this tune?

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