Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday Stuff

Thank God our time with this human stain is nearing a close, at least concerning his alleged presidency (mildly NSFW/H) - David Doel is also pretty correct about the Democrats, unfortunately (God, what will it take for them to FINALLY get their act together and come up with effective messaging and start using social media smartly, though, to be fair, I thought Christina Finello did a good job of that running against Bri-Fi as I already noted)...

...and yeah, it’s time for Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative of a *president to indeed “hang it up” (here – can’t wait to see PA Lt. Gov John Fetterman’s political profile raised over time, which I’m sure will happen)...

...and I’m glad to hear Farron Cousins lay the blame for Mango Mussolini’s rise where it primarily belongs, and that is at the feet of our cousins in the corporate media who just LOVED 45 because he was “boffo” for ratings...

...and hey, this game of “making up imaginary quotes to try and propagate your political opinion” sure is fun, isn’t it, as John and Jayar explain...

...and here are more seasonal selections...

...and I gave this a break last year (with an extra Gumby bit), but I thought the time was right to bring it back.

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