Friday, October 02, 2020

Friday Stuff


(I also posted here about a voting matter for PA folks.)

Well, it finally happened; I don’t think this is quite the “October Surprise” the Gropenfuhrer had in mind (of course, he’ll be able to carry out “presidential duties” of watching Fix Noise on TV while in isolation...”his age and weight” – good one, and of course it’s correct to take that into consideration as a health factor...and when it comes to Our Orange Pustule and what he would do to this country on health care, I give you this)...

Update: Hmmm, maybe not as much TV as I thought, or as much Fix Noise anyway (here)...

...but despite today’s story, I don’t think we should forget about what probably was the most infamous moment of last Tuesday’s freak show masquerading as a presidential debate...

...oh, and there was that "Fredo" moment too ("I'm smaaaart!")...

...and John and Jayar of “The Damage Report” tell us about the post-debate polling (with Frank Luntz and yet another focus group...I don’t know if Jayar is being unduly negative or not, but I know he’s seen this stuff play out before and he knows not to get his hopes too high, which is a sound approach I think – lots of work to do until this is done, and hopefully the right way of course)...

...and probably a reason why Jayar is suspicious is because of stuff like this, which tells us that Mango Mussolini came up with a list of African American voters that they targeted to try and depress their vote to hurt Hillary Clinton...I have to admit that the sophistication behind something like this is a story in and of itself, and I’m not sure how you come up with a law to make it illegal, but yeah, it’s pretty damn lowdown and rotten too)...

...and David Doel tells us that Dem U.S. House Rep Katie Porter of CA was at it again with her white board, grilling another fat cat CEO on how people in this country are getting gouged, this time on prescription medications (excellent work)...if, God willing, the Dems are returned to power, campaign finance reform should be really high on the list of legislative priorities, but allowing ANYONE in this country to negotiate with Big Pharma for lower drug prices should be included also...

...and sticking with health care, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/1/16...on that day, we noted the 40th anniversary of the passage of the utterly awful Hyde Amendment, named after a serial philanderer in the U.S. House, so a couple of days ago marked the 44th anniversary...while people are quite rightly nervous about Amy Coney Barrett being elevated to the SCOTUS by the Gropenfuhrer and #midnightmoscowmitch (and in particular what that could mean to Roe and the ACA), we shouldn’t forget about trying to do away with this also, which would be most welcome actually (Hyde “punched down” on poor women simply because he could)...tells you how hard a slog it will be not to just hang onto what we have, but to get rid of garbage like Hyde once and for all (heckuva job by the “Bernie or bust” crowd and the “BUT HER EMAILS!!!” gang, to say nothing of wretched individuals who supported Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative in An Oval Office, as well as anyone who still supports a Repug for any reason whatsoever)...

...and I guess, given the prior clip, I should include “I Am Woman” as a tribute to Helen Reddy, but to be honest, this was the only song of hers I gave a damn about (not a good week for ‘70s music icons, as noted here also).

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