Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

This “Now This” video tells us that the Gropenfuhrer may be facing a long-overdue showdown on his tax returns – pretty clear where Justice Sotomayor comes down on this question, to her credit…we’ll see…

…and keeping with High Court matters, I would have to say that I’m also shocked by the ruling to apply protections from Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to same sex couples and LGBTQ individuals, and even more bowled over by the fact that the majority 6-3 opinion was written by Neil Gorsuch and joined by Hangin’ Judge JR, of all people…why do I feel like there’s a “poison pill” in there somewhere that we haven’t found out yet (John I. and Francesca Fiorentini discuss…I think John meant Almost Silent Clarence Thomas and not Anthony Kennedy)…

…and Brian Tyler Cohen brings us more lies from Generalissimo Trump, this time about Oklahoma…why in God’s name is anyone STILL taking one word seriously that oozes out of the mouth of this sociopath? And Pence is just as bad (representing a whole other level of “onward Christian soldiers” crazy)…

…and whoops! – the Trump gang sees workers keep getting sicker, and just add Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia to the list of Trumpian liars, as Farron Cousins tells us…yeah, you FORCED people to go back to work, you scumwads!...

…also, here is Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti of The Hill talking about Jon Stewart’s recent commentary and his biggest regret from “The Daily Show,” and that was his role in perpetuating the whole combat cycle between our side and the forces of darkness on the right; I don’t think Stewart is particularly to blame, but I admire his self-reflection…I should probably engage in a bit of that here and say that it’s always a challenge to strike that balance between informing and perpetuating combat merely for the sake of argument – I still maintain that Fox and the wingnutosphere have pulled everyone towards the middle by virtue of their success so it’s harder to find a truly “left” perspective any more, though I will continue to the best of my ability to make my arguments based on issues as opposed to personalities…yes, despite that, I’m sure I’ll be going after Our Orange Pestilence as much as ever, mainly because he’ll keep giving us ammunition, but the goal of doing that will be to craft policies ultimately that benefit the majority of us as opposed to outright ridicule just for the sake of it – also, I’m not the biggest fan of Joe Rogan, but I give him credit for at least allowing time for people to have a somewhat meaningful discussion of a particular issue…

Update 6/20/20: OK, so much for Joe Rogan (here).

…and how the hell can we somehow be talking about lynching in the year 2020 (more here and here…pretty much have no choice but to include this legendary tune which “Lady Day” sung in the fact of actual and threatened violence – hard to find a word for that type of guts).

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