Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the speech from home that Former President Obama gave on Saturday to high school graduates (I have no idea what the hell that blabbering orange idiot is talking about with allegedly turning away 175,000 people from a 9,000-seat meeting place or whatever in New Jersey, and I really don't think he does either)…

…and I have to get a kick out of watching the “party of Lincoln” gang up on each other like this – they know how to go for the jugular, and they do that best against each other…

…and Farron Cousins tells us about a Repug high roller named Clay Lacy, who managed to get $27 million for his private jet company from the CARES Act

…and I have to admit that I’m a bit hot and cold on Emma Vigeland, but when she’s on an important story, as I think she is here, she absolutely nails it; the clip has to do with Repug South Dakota Governor Kristi (Unsafe At Any Speed) Noem trying to get rid of COVID-19 checkpoints for tribal lands in her state…for the reasons Vigeland states, the tribes are completely within their legal rights to do what they’re doing (and of course, Noem refuses to provide specifics of how the checkpoints are allegedly being abused, probably because no such evidence actually exists)…

…and RIP comic actor Fred Willard (I used to watch Fernwood 2 Night forever ago – it was kind of quirky and odd, but I thought it was funny, with Martin Mull also)…

…and RIP also Astrid Kirchherr, who had a lot to do with the iconic look of the Fab Four.

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