Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday Stuff

John I. of The Damage Report tells us about the Gropenfuhrer saying climate change is a hoax (of course) and criticizing wind power as only he can (anyone responsible for electing this corrupt, brain-addled meat sack should be cast into irons and pilloried in the town square)...

Update 12/27/19: The prior clip related to climate change was somewhat amusing, in a "gallows humor" kind of way I guess, but I definitely can't say the same thing for this.

…and Rachel Maddow tells us about more voter purging in Wisconsin and Georgia; as usual, the Repugs can’t win an election without voter suppression and intimidation (more here)…

…and this clip from David Doel of The Rational National tells us that Bernie Sanders’s support keeps growing - yeah, I know this is more "horse race" stuff which usually I can't stand, but it is a bit interesting I have to admit...

...and I think it takes a true adult to admit when he or she is wrong, as Bernie does here about his vote for the Afghan War (from The Majority Report, and Sam is exactly right about Biden not acknowledging his failures, and that's really true about just about everyone else also)...

...and we're winding down with the seasonal selevtions, but here are a few more.

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