Friday, November 08, 2019

Friday Stuff

David Pakman tells us here about Republicans in Kentucky trying to steal back the governor’s seat that Matt Bevin lost to Andy Beshear a few days ago – as I and others have said, the only thing the Repugs understand is losing power; they will seek any possible way, legal or otherwise, to manipulate whatever they can to achieve their ends, and all the while blaming the other side of doing it in the process (we should play the last 30 second or so of this on a continuous loop for a year)…

…oh, and in other news, here is more proof that the *president is a f*cking crook…

…and gosh, it looks like Trump Ambassador Gordon Sondland had a rather con-vee-nient bit of memory recall here in the matter of the Gropenfuhrer trying to get dirt on Joe Biden from Ukraine (more here), as Sam and the crew from TMR tell us (great political analysis of this by Sam given next year’s elections)…

…and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Lawrence Van Dyke breaking down when confronted with his bigotry upon his confirmation hearing…I’m going to offer a particularly cynical take on this I’ll admit and say that this was some rather interesting theater with Van Dyke and Repug U.S. Senator Josh Hawley that allowed Van Dyke to escape culpability for his awful words against LGBTQ individuals as far as I’m concerned…for my money, Hawley and Van Dyke are both peas from the same disgusting pod of intolerance…and good job by Cohen to put all of this in the context of the “Schlitz” Kavanaugh hearing (more here)….

…and John Iadarola and Emma Vigeland tell us that Mayor Pete thinks the Dem primary is a two-person contest at this point between he and Elizabeth Warren (I think we saw some entitlement issues with Van Dyke in the last clip, and I believe we’re seeing them again here from Buttigieg – other issues with the South Bend mayor are noted here also)…

…and Farron Cousins tells us that Alabama is hosting LSU this weekend in college football, and apparently the Gropenfuhrer is going to be there, and anyone who protests is going to get kicked out and lose their seats for the rest of the year (gee, “freedom of speech”…have to look up that antiquated notion I guess)…

…and I was wondering who was going to use the stupidity defense first to try and clear Our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Russian Asset in An Oval Office, and if you picked Huckleberry Graham, then it looks like you win the last remnants of Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, etc. (and I guess it would be a euphemism to say that Graham has "evolved" on this issue, as noted here)...

...and happy 70th birthday (!) to Bonnie many great tunes to choose from, but somehow I always keep coming back to this one (saw her live years ago at the Mann Music Center in these parts - great show).

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