Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday Stuff

I’m so glad that Thom Hartmann gives us these periodic reminders about our country’s rich, Democratic/progressive legacy, particularly under FDR chiefly as a response to the Great Depression (Thom quotes FDR's SOTU speech in 1938)…

…and in a related item, this whole clip is good, but the last 45 seconds or so of this, discussing a failure of regulation, are great (here...still going back and forth between Bernie and Warren, to tell you the truth, and people, please, if you're able, how about pitching some coin to Kamala Harris and forget about Mayor Pete, Klobuchar and #JillStein2020?)...

…and Robert Reich tells us about at least 6 ways that Our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Orange Dictator has sold us out (there are probably a whole bunch more, but this list will do for now)…

…and TRMS tells us about the Trumpsters ending the medical deferred action program for legal immigrants, endangering critically ill kids as Maddow tells us (and Ken Cuccinelli, of all people, tells us that it’s Congress’s fault, which is bullshit…the interview Maddow conducted after this with Dem U.S. House Rep Mark Desaulnier of California was excellent, but of course it’s not available from MSNBC’s awful web site)…

…and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 10/31/07 (going way back here I’ll admit, and no, you don’t need to remind me what happened with John Edwards, a guy who I plugged on this site who fell from grace big time, and you also don’t need to remind me about the GOP “I Feel Pretty” and “Breck Boy” attack ad garbage…even though the messenger is definitely imperfect, let’s try contemplating the message in this presidential election season, OK? And yes, I'm definitely thinking of the prior TRMS clip as I watch this)…

...and by the way, Happy Halloween everybody (and no, I'm not the least bit surprised by this...a profile in cowardice by Bri-Fi, among his other same party pals).

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