Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday Stuff

For what it’s worth, I checked a video from Brian Tyler Cohen and Judge Andrew Napolitano on Fix Noise over the Gropenfuhrer and the alleged 8 times that he encouraged the president of Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden or else Trump would withhold military aid. To be fair, Napolitano held Trump’s feet to the fire, which is exactly called for, but this numbskull interviewer from The Roger Ailes BS Factory kept trying to push this alleged scandal about Biden trying to get a prosecutor in that country to drop charges against Hunter Biden (and I don’t even care who this alleged “newsman” is – all he cared about was covering up Trump’s latest malfeasance with the Biden business).

The whole angle with Biden and his son is complete horseshit. And if you don’t want to believe me, fine. Believe Kurt Eichenwald responding to Ken Vogel of the New York Times here (with Vogel trying to push the equivalent of “BUT HER EMAILS!!!” with Biden doing well according to some Democratic primary polls, though the ones I see show Elizabeth Warren taking the lead – waaay too early to care seriously about this stuff, though, I’ll admit).

I guess I’m going to turn to Stephen Colbert here as a bit of a palate cleanser (I guess some of the jokes are just going to go splat at times)…

Update: Oh, and as if by magic, guess what happens to be trending on Twitter with all of this going on?

Yep, the Russian trolls and bots are hard at work, I see.

…and John Iadarola and Brooke Thomas tell us about Dinesh D’Felon calling Greta Thunberg a “Nazi” – nice guy (and it looks like Fix Noise apologized for that sick bastard Michael Knowles calling Thunberg mentally ill, apparently)…

…and Farron Cousins tells us about Laura Ingraham’s brother calling out his sibling for comparing Thunberg to the “children of the corn” (how wacked do you have to be to get blasted by a family member like that? I guess I should ask Paul Gosar too while I’m at it – here)…

…and given Stephen Colbert’s monologue, I guess I could have gone in a couple of different directions with the musical selection (either with Sir Paul or Sir Elton), but I’m going to use this one which I think is timely (not a call for violence, I hasten to add, but removal from office at a minimum).

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