Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Wednesday Stuff

Not one word of this should need to be said by Jon Stewart, but it does, and he did, and kudos to him for saying it (here); for starters, in response, we should repeal that scam Repug tax bill from December ’17 to pay for health care once and for all for the true heroes of that terrible day (and in a related story, I give you this totally unsurprising item)…

(I just heard the bill was passed out of committee unanimously - I'll update with a link

Update 6/20/19: God bless Luis Alvarez (here...and 69 rounds of chemo - I'm in shock).

…and Robert Reich appers in a “Now This” clip on who REALLY pays taxes in this country (for some reason, though, I can no longer embed his great Inequality Media videos, which is definitely not cool)…

…and despite the fact that “the old gray lady” is still capable of garbage like this, they are also capable of great reporting such as that presented in the following video…this man’s wife and children in Afghanistan were likely killed by a U.S. air strike, though that has not been confirmed of course…this video has some unsettling scenes in it of dead kids, but I’m not going to use that as an excuse not to present it…our involvement in Afghanistan has gone on for EIGHTEEN FREAKING YEARS, PEOPLE!!!, and it constitutes a bipartisan political offense…

…and by the way (and returning to domestic politics), nice job here by Katie Porter…I honestly don’t think she meant that as a cut on Bill Maher, but even if she did, that’s OK…once again, I realize that Maher and other comedians need to be held to a different standard since they need to appeal to audiences across the board, but I thought his reaction to the crowd in particular after Porter’s remark was pretty petulant, even if he probably was joking also – by the way, his final bit with his supposed speech to the graduating class of 2019 was cringingly unfunny; I actually turned him off part of the way through…he just came off as a cranky old man who apparently doesn’t have a clue as to what teenagers and 20-somethings have to deal with in this day and age – I’m sure Maher will have his equally non-humorous pal P.J. O’Rourke back on before long to cry on O’Rourke’s shoulder…

…and as long as I’m featuring late night comedians, I should really get back to putting up “Closer Look” clips from Seth Meyers again, this time with a wrap up of Generalissimo Trump’s European faux pas tour (“Dick Tracy minus the Tracy” – good one…and as others have noted, it was typically tasteless for Fix Noise to allow our Tiny Handed, Treasonous Orange Dictator to rant at Normandy in an area of hallowed ground)…

…and I don’t know anything about this guy/band or this tune, but I like the harmonies and jangly sounding guitars and it actually came from this century, so here it is.

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