Friday, May 03, 2019

Friday Stuff

Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now” tells us about Jamie Davis Smith, who is only trying to obtain health coverage for her daughter to continue living but has to go to truly heroic measures to accomplish that task in a country with generally poor health care outcomes (the clip is about a month old, and a completely unsurprising update IMHO is here...and by the way, don’t think that, because I’m linking here, that I’m on board with Tulsi Gabbard in any way, shape or form, because I’m not…too many questions about her and the Assad regime in Syria and the Modi family in India, and this “Dem maverick” act of hers went out with grunge as far as I’m concerned) – more to the point, why anyone would trust a liar like Trump and a Republican Party that has tried over 60 times in Congress to repeal “Obamacare” without a replacement is something I’ll never understand – and to imagine getting a divorce to keep health care…what country am I living in again?

…and speaking of health care, Cenk and John I. tell us about this Repug idiot Debbie Lasko saying that illegals should just die instead of getting medical treatment, even though they’re allowed to do so because The Sainted Ronnie R actually did something right, which the doctor tries to tell Lasko, but all she does in response is keep reading the script – people actually elect numbskulls like her (the hearing had to do with Medicare for All as noted here, and I guess we just need to keep saying over and over and over and over and over and over and over that, yes, it will be expensive, but it will be at least 2 trillion cheaper over the next decade than our unsustainable system of private coverage and M4A will ensure more people (here) – God almighty!)…

…and Ro Khanna continues to stand tall on this subject among others (more good work from Brian Tyler Cohen also)…

…and apparently, Americans are some of the most stressed-out people in the planet – proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free (by the way, I’m genuinely not trying to inflict stress on anyone by doing this; in my way, I’m endeavoring to inform…I hope I’m succeeding and not causing negativity, or at least not too much anyway)…

…and once more, Seth Meyers finds a way to weave comedy gold from still more dross from the Gropenfuhrer; I know this clip is a couple of days old (and with all due respect to dogs, I think the “greatest equipment” is a subpoena)…

…and I don’t know what’s up with all of these dudes standing in the shadows, but for an indie tune, I think this is pretty good.

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