Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday Stuff

It looks like the wingnutosphere is all in a rage yet again over Dem U.S. House Rep Ilhan Omar – so, people lose their minds over her saying “some people did things” about 9/11 but the routinely offensive actual garbage from people like Generalissimo Trump, Louie Gohmert and Steve King draw yawns by comparison? Uh…yeah – I guess that’s where we’re at.

For the benefit of anyone who doesn’t get this by now (maybe one or two), please allow me to explain.

Fix Noise and the New York Post are probably the chief operators in what is (I would guess) about a billion-dollar outrage machine in this country. And as far as their “subscribers,” if you will, are concerned, hate is like oxygen to them. In point of fact, Omar could have given a news conference and said, “Gee, I woke up this morning and saw that the sky is blue,” and there are people out there who would still go nuts and say, “OMIGOD, IT WAS CLOUDY OUTSIDE THIS MORNING! SHE’S PART OF A GLOBALIST CONSPIRACY!!”

Well anyway, I thought this was a good response from Cenk and Ana (along with their sadly apropos commentary on the Democratic Party congressional “leadership”)…

Update 4/15/19: By the way, when it comes to Democrats Behaving Badly, I suggest that you follow Lee Fang on Twitter (here) who has been doing great work (along with some other folks) following the proverbial money between the Center for American Progress, the New America Foundation, and some truly strange bedfellows, as it were.

…and when it comes to Democrats with actual guts, I give you this about AOC giving it to the “banksters” in a recent congressional hearing, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us (this is what actual representation in a democratically elected government looks like, by the way...and so is this)…

…and it looks like the Trumpsters found a way to weaponize the tax code, as CNN’s John Avlon explains here…yet another reason to hate this bunch of criminals; I can personally attest to this…we haven’t owed on our federal return in over 15 years, but we do now - and you voted for this, Bri-Fi)…

…and this is one hell of an argument for getting rid of the filibuster from Dem Sen. Elizabeth Warren…

…and I give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 4/13/14 (I know I haven’t done this for a little while)…the next time you see anything having to do with Dem Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, remember that her former fellow Dem Senator Al Franken, speaking out here against the proposed Comcast and Time-Warner merger (which eventually failed, by the way), who was accused of sexually related misconduct as we know, wanted a Senate ethics committee investigation in response but Gillibrand said no – Franken had to resign immediately…not condoning what Franken was accused of in anyway, but I think this video gives us an idea of just how much of an important voice we ended up losing…and in a related story as they say, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao will NEVER allow a vote on Net Neutrality in the Senate, and I think this is the main reason why...also, here is more on McCutcheon which Franken referred to...Bri-Fi also voted against Net Neutrality, as noted here)…

…and exactly 50 years ago today, this song was Number One on the Billboard Top 40 chart (more here - and yes, this was yet another production with The Wrecking Crew).

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