Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Stuff

Given that today is the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the Army-McCarthy hearings, I think this is a timely video (also considering how perilously close we are to returning to those awful days given the influence of the Gropenfuhrer and his vile minions, with the thoroughly infamous Roy Cohn as a link between McCarthy and our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Deatheater-In-Chief)…

…and I don’t think it’s that big of a “get” here to apply the Nixon standard of impeachment, if you will, to the actions of Generalissimo Trump, but I still thought this was a good background segment hosted by Ari Melber with David Corn, Betsy Woodruff and Joyce Vance on a deeper dive into the Mueller Report (“Why does Bill Barr want to be Roy Cohn?” – good question...and I don't know how much the Democratic Party leadership gets it or not, but this is an opportunity to show the country what they would do with the reins of power; they'd better know what to do with it or it could blow up in their proverbial face)…

…and Farron Cousins tells us about this Repug lunatic in Washington state named Matt Shea, who apparently wants to carry out violent attacks against liberals – please explain to me how we’re supposed to make some kind of common cause with this insane biped life forms…

…and if you throw down the proverbial gauntlet in front of AOC, you’d better be prepared to pick it up, as Sam Seder and the TMR panel tell us (and yeah, that “glass of water” remark from Nancy Pelosi was pretty dumb, even though I think she was talking about a generic “D” and not necessarily AOC and the other freshman House Dems)…

…and I have to admit that I thought this was a terrific video from the Bernie Sanders campaign (here); THIS is what the election should be all about…as I watched this, I realize that there are a lot of Democrats and independents out there who have gone on record as saying that they won’t support him for the nomination, and yeah, the purist in me thinks the nominee of the Democratic Party for president should be an actual Democrat, but if he does indeed get the nomination, we’d better put all of that aside and do our best to help him since, if 2016 taught us anything, it should be to take ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for granted; that being said, I think the opposite definitely holds true, and the Sanders camp for sure needs to do something about this - more context is here)…

Update: Not a good look (here)...

…and I was going to go for a positive and life-affirming tune, but at the last minute I changed my mind and went with this instead :-).

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