Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

As Seth Meyers tells us here, it looks like The Judge Brett Kavanaugh Utter Lies And Obfuscation Show is well underway in the Senate (and I thought this comparatively late development was particularly stoo-pid) – there’s no way these proceedings should be going on in a “democracy” that wasn’t otherwise utterly bought and paid for by the one percent…in a twisted way, though, Kavanaugh is exactly what we should expect from our treasonous ruling cabal of criminals and other bottom-feeders in that he’s a thoroughly unrepentant liar (to say nothing of a lowdown piece of sh*t for this)…

…and Trevor Noah weighs in on the most recent boycotts (yeah, I think it’s hilarious to see the wingnuts burning the Nike shoes over the Colin Kaepernick ad…and for what it’s worth, I’ll only buy Nike sneakers from now on…as well as the umbrage over the Neil Armstrong film, but here’s a crazy suggestion I know…while I DEFINITELY would not have invited Steve Bannon to ANYTHING, why not just allow him to come anyway? It would be an opportunity to "rip him a new one," you might say. Yes, his positions are thoroughly wrong and indefensible and there’s NO WAY I would find myself in agreement with him, but wouldn’t our side have looked a little more mature if we’d done that instead of telling him not to show up?)

Also, I’ll admit that I’m a little biased when it comes to The New Yorker magazine, and I mean that in a good way. I’ve never read writing that comes anywhere close to the quality of their journalism, but we had to drop our subscription because it became too expensive. If you’re going to deprive yourself and not subscribe over the Bannon flap…well then, as far as I’m concerned (as somebody might have said in an earlier decade), the terrorists have already won (slightly NSFW)…

…and apparently the true cost of the Gropenfuhrer’s typically wrong-headed trade war is coming due to all of us, and it sounds like it’s about $6 billion – MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!...

…and speaking of money, I know I’ve beaten the proverbial drum over last December’s tax con job by the “party of Lincoln” in the past, and I’ll continue to do so (including this clown – to do something about it, click here)…

…and of all of the outrages from the occupant of An Oval Office, I know it’s sometimes easy to forget about Puerto Rico, though we shouldn’t of course – this by itself would typically be enough to relegate the person responsible to the electoral sewage farm at a minimum, to say nothing of actual prosecution…

…and happy belated 70th birthday to drummer Don Brewer of Grand Funk Railroad.

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