Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday Stuff

Cenk Uygur of TYT tells us about the latest Brett Kavanaugh accuser, and that would be Deborah Ramirez, who apparently was reluctant to come forward at first for the reasons Cenk tells us – that’s understandable as far as I’m concerned; as important as it is that the truth comes out, the person saying these things will have her life turned upside down as a result…do I even have to ask where we would be in this story if the Democrats tried something like this (and yeah, as a YouTube commenter noted, Cenk is referring to “Mark” Judge, not Mike)...

…and Michael Brooks of The Majority Report tells us about this idiot Repug congressman from South Carolina named Ralph Norman, who apparently made a “joke” about Ruth Bader Ginsburg being groped by Abraham Lincoln (where is Major Bowes’ hook when you need it, I’m tempted to ask…more Norman garbage is here)…

…and I would say that Farron Cousins brings the appropriate level of outrage here (and concerning that allegedly objective CNN panel being questioned, I give you this)…

…and with all of this going on, I couldn’t help but think of this song (wouldn’t be a bit surprised if women in this country staged something like their own version of “Lysistrata” as a result).

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