Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Stuff

I cannot even imagine what future generations will think of this time of utter madness in our political discourse, which, as Farron Cousins describes, has degenerated into a lower farce than I could have ever predicted (more here)…

…and I know of course that, when we’re talking about our Treasonous Orange Dictator, we’re talking about someone who’s pretty damn far from any semblance of rationality, but I thought this was a particularly stupid moment even for him recently (and yeah, naming the defense authorization bill after John McCain is a bit much I’ll admit, but of course leave it to the Gropenfuhrer to flub even THAT attempt at a tribute to someone who actually deserves it as far as I’m concerned)…

…and I’m going to try and make the subject matter of this post a hell of a lot more honorable and decent by now paying tribute for former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan – RIP…

…and staying with world stuff, I would say that this Danish politician gave a pretty good “clap back” to Fix Noise humanoid Trish Regan, who happened to be completely and utterly wrong about Denmark…

…and Bill Maher’s comments on the Catholic Church and last week’s horrific PA grand jury report were typically idiotic and ridiculous (yes, we get it that you think religion is a phony product, and the comparison to Jiffy Lube doesn’t even merit a response – let’s move on), but I think Jennifer Granholm, the Axios reporter and (shockingly) Charlie Sykes were correct, though we could do without the enema reference…Sykes is right, though, that this is a “reformation” moment for sure…and this is positive, but the time for words is over – only action now…and by the way, Maher was also complaining that Dems and their spokespeople or whatever aren’t on the cable news shows the way Rudy 9iu11ani is concerning Trump, Russia and Mueller, to which I have at least two responses: 1) Have you seen MSNBC lately, though I’ll grant you the point that that network definitely is not “liberal,” and 2) If “America’s Mayor” is going to make this much of an ass of himself, isn’t it best to stay the hell out of his way?…

(And this is why it is hard for anyone to believe that the Church will EVER clean up their own wretched mess, to say nothing of this…if the priests were all gay, they would just date each other and that would be that, you assclown.)

…and I was happy to hear about this from The Eagles (the band, that is, not our Super Bowl champsahhhh, it never gets old), which gives me an excuse for this great selection from their top-rated recording.

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