Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tuesday Stuff

Rachel Maddow talks with Dahlia Lithwick of Slate about Brett Kavanaugh – under the McConnell Rule as shown, we shouldn’t be considering ANY Supreme Court nominee from Generalissimo Trump, so yeah, he’s an automatic No as far as I’m concerned, to say nothing of the fact that he’s a movement conservative or else he wouldn’t even be considered anyway…

…and I guess I could make a joke here about one boob trying to affect feeding off another, though that wouldn’t be appropriate since this is definitely a serious issue (more here – “The Russians ultimately stepped in to reintroduce the measure” – I want to vomit)…

…and I’m not totally sold on UBI either; I think we should approach it cautiously, and giving the same money to Bill Gates as to, say, a single-parent head of a household at 23rd and Diamond street in Philadelphia, is absurd – besides, Republicans would only use this as a reason to try to shred the safety net even more, particularly with Medicare, which would be a disaster…

...and Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins tell us about kids supposedly representing themselves in court on deportation - what country am I living in again? And by the way, this judge Jack Weil character has said this previously about 3-year-olds representing themselves (here), and while I grudgingly cede the point that the Obama Administration kept kids improperly also, Pap and Cousins shouldn’t foist this nonsense at the end about Democrats never calling out other Democrats who do wrong…if Jim Jordan were a Democrat, he’d already be gone by now…

…and speaking of the foul, fetid U.S. House Rep from Ohio, yeah, he really is that vile of a life form (more here – and I’d laugh at their remarks about Schumer if they weren’t completely true…pathetic)…

…and I thought this was a nice, rockin’ little number to listen to as the Gropenfuhrer leads us all straight to hell.

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